Okay, I have a small sign business, it is successful and I have always had big business dreams and thought one way to achieve this goal was online.
So I taught myself how to design websites. You know, if I can design a sign, what is so difficult about designing a website. Well, as most sign guys can relate to having an over active imagination and their head in the clouds (or paint fumes) my dreams became somewhat of an obsession.
That online goal that I was talking about, maybe more of an addiction. So every now and then I would have an epiphany of an online scheme that could make me money in some way or another. My Big Business Dreamer addiction has gotten so out of hand that just about every word that was spoken to my wife or customers sounded like music to my ears. I could hear the band in the background and the choir singing exclaiming "DOT COM" at the end of every word.
That being said, I began gobbling up just about every "DOT COM" domain name that I could envision making me money. This obsession has been happening over the past 8 years! So today, I woke up and realized that there must be some place where I could go to exclaim that I am done!
So here goes.... "Hello, My name is Bob, and I am a Big Business Dreamer Addict" LOL well at any rate. I am here to ask for your help. I need to unload some of these names, since as sign makers go, I figure we all are cut from the same cloth, so to speak. So if anyone is interested in my past Big Business Dreams and want some really cool sign making domain names. Let me know.
I really do not want this post to be flagged as a scam, this is legit, I am a real sign guy, been doing this for over 20 years, I love the business, but decided that my Online Addiction needs to stop! So, anyone else that has these dreams and can make it a reality, here is a link to a some of my epiphanies. http://www.1fastsign.com While this is a pretty comprehensive list, it is only about half of what I actually gobbled up... Ok, you can stop there.... I can only do this in "Little Steps" ...whew!!! Perhaps I can let go of more once I get through my first few therapy sessions. LOL
Oh, thanks for the counseling session. Anyone else that shares this Big Business Dreamer addiction, perhaps we should start our own self-help group. Oh... wait... I hear the symphony and choir again.... sounds like I hear another DOT COM..... ouch... there I go again! LOL
So I taught myself how to design websites. You know, if I can design a sign, what is so difficult about designing a website. Well, as most sign guys can relate to having an over active imagination and their head in the clouds (or paint fumes) my dreams became somewhat of an obsession.
That online goal that I was talking about, maybe more of an addiction. So every now and then I would have an epiphany of an online scheme that could make me money in some way or another. My Big Business Dreamer addiction has gotten so out of hand that just about every word that was spoken to my wife or customers sounded like music to my ears. I could hear the band in the background and the choir singing exclaiming "DOT COM" at the end of every word.
That being said, I began gobbling up just about every "DOT COM" domain name that I could envision making me money. This obsession has been happening over the past 8 years! So today, I woke up and realized that there must be some place where I could go to exclaim that I am done!
So here goes.... "Hello, My name is Bob, and I am a Big Business Dreamer Addict" LOL well at any rate. I am here to ask for your help. I need to unload some of these names, since as sign makers go, I figure we all are cut from the same cloth, so to speak. So if anyone is interested in my past Big Business Dreams and want some really cool sign making domain names. Let me know.
I really do not want this post to be flagged as a scam, this is legit, I am a real sign guy, been doing this for over 20 years, I love the business, but decided that my Online Addiction needs to stop! So, anyone else that has these dreams and can make it a reality, here is a link to a some of my epiphanies. http://www.1fastsign.com While this is a pretty comprehensive list, it is only about half of what I actually gobbled up... Ok, you can stop there.... I can only do this in "Little Steps" ...whew!!! Perhaps I can let go of more once I get through my first few therapy sessions. LOL
Oh, thanks for the counseling session. Anyone else that shares this Big Business Dreamer addiction, perhaps we should start our own self-help group. Oh... wait... I hear the symphony and choir again.... sounds like I hear another DOT COM..... ouch... there I go again! LOL