Hi fellas, does anyone know how could I make this shadow on Illustrator CC 2017?
I usually copy and paste the logo and move a little down, but this way I can't have the outline and the edges don't follow the perspective. Thanks a lot!
I did as Bannertime said and worked well, Your seems more simple, gonna try too. Thanks!As production person I would:
Type out the font
Right click and 'create outlines'
Use a white outside stroke to the desired size
Expand the stroke so it it's own shape
Use a black outside stroke on the white shape
Expand the black stroke and combine them into one shape
Yo Johnny, did you the straight line in the I's shadow, that's what I wanted to have in a perspective. Anyway, thanks for your help. Now I have three different ways to learn more. Best!Like others explained..
type letters, outline
object/path/offset white
copy black and drag for dropshade
pathfinder/unite black outline and dropshade
Anyone with Illustrator from CS3 on up is crazy if you don't but Old Stock Actions. This little plug in for Illustrator is amazing at making proper drop shadows, 3D blocks, inlines, outlines, split and gradient shades and fancy fills for letters. The various parts can be separated for cutting or printing and the great thing is it is only $25.00. He is coming out with his second actions plug in very soon and it is just as awesome. These plug ins will definitely bring your designs to a new level. You can get it here.Hi fellas, does anyone know how could I make this shadow on Illustrator CC 2017?
I usually copy and paste the logo and move a little down, but this way I can't have the outline and the edges don't follow the perspective. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the info Sandman. Boring stuff putting all the extras on type.
Sometimes it's kind of fun when you're just goofing around. If you're doing it for an actual job, it's always annoying for some reason.
I also think it's neat how everybody does this slightly differently.