Yeah, or resharpen it, good point! In my case I splurged outWhy not resharpen it?????

Yeah, or resharpen it, good point! In my case I splurged outWhy not resharpen it?????
Did anyone read the original post, or did you all just jump on the bandwagon of assuming the OP is an amateur? Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. If the error is as minor as he says it is, you don't redo a job because there's a nick in the paint underneath the vinyl, or there's a speck of dust here and there.
The sign is there to serve a function, and there's always a viewing distance that factors into that. Redoing a job for a speck of dust on a vehicle graphic is as ridiculous as redoing a wall mural because the seam is off by 1/8", or redoing a billboard because you can see a bit of banding from 3 feet away.
That said, if I'm going to be helpful at all, I would recommend you confidently tell your customer that vehicle graphics are not designed to look perfect from 6 inches away and that there is always a margin of error. The bubbles are within the normal margin of error (if they in fact are), and they're likely to go away on their own anyway. Specks of dust and scratches/nicks in the paint will not go away, but regardless, your rule of thumb is that if it looks fantastic from 8-12 feet away, then the graphics will serve their purpose well and your job is done.
If you were going to make it as perfect as they expect you to, then they've set their expectations far too high and for no valid reason, other than perfectionism. The sign is there to serve a function, not look perfect under a microscope.
Did anyone read the original post, or did you all just jump on the bandwagon of assuming the OP is an amateur? Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. If the error is as minor as he says it is, you don't redo a job because there's a nick in the paint underneath the vinyl, or there's a speck of dust here and there.
The sign is there to serve a function, and there's always a viewing distance that factors into that. Redoing a job for a speck of dust on a vehicle graphic is as ridiculous as redoing a wall mural because the seam is off by 1/8", or redoing a billboard because you can see a bit of banding from 3 feet away.
That said, if I'm going to be helpful at all, I would recommend you confidently tell your customer that vehicle graphics are not designed to look perfect from 6 inches away and that there is always a margin of error. The bubbles are within the normal margin of error (if they in fact are), and they're likely to go away on their own anyway. Specks of dust and scratches/nicks in the paint will not go away, but regardless, your rule of thumb is that if it looks fantastic from 8-12 feet away, then the graphics will serve their purpose well and your job is done.
If you were going to make it as perfect as they expect you to, then they've set their expectations far too high and for no valid reason, other than perfectionism. The sign is there to serve a function, not look perfect under a microscope.
Sorry but ... 8' to 12' feet away?? That's not acceptable arround here.
A customer will not complain over a "spec" of dust. But a sticker looking like it has an anti-slip texture caused by allot of dust will get complained .. And rightly so. Stickers will not hide auto body deffects but that problem should be mentioned before doing the job.
Before handing the vehicle over to the customer, the stickers should not have bubbles. If you have allot, then you re-do it before the customer comes back. If you have just a few you can easily pop them before the customer comes back. If a customer wants some changes done after production .. Then the changes get charged accordingly. And when you price out a job you should be making enough to cover for a possible mistake.
Sorry but ... 8' to 12' feet away?? That's not acceptable arround here.
A customer will not complain over a "spec" of dust. But a sticker looking like it has an anti-slip texture caused by allot of dust will get complained .. And rightly so.
I'm pretty sure what I said was a "speck of dust", not a texture of dust everywhere. So we're in agreement, unless you want to continue arguing for the sake of arguing, in which case let me get some popcorn and a full-length mirror to hold up.