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cad-type welding?


New Member
The one thing I liked about Autocad was that I could darn near start with a box, and then by doing arcs, joining/welding, and then cutting stuff that I didn't need, make darn near anything... I need some circles with a square on top of them, but I don't need the cuts from the circles going through the square. Any hints?


New Member
Not really a problem with Autocad... Just trying to figure on how to draw something in Corel, and then make portions of it I don't like go away... Didn't see anything in the help files on drawing limits.

I don't use Autocad anymore. - When I got moved from research to facilities operations a few years back, I had a boss who thought that since I used big printers and computers to "draw" things with, I should have a background in Autocad. So the company paid for an autocad course. That I finished in the top of my class in. That I never used.


New Member
Basically, I'd like to take this image, and eliminate a lot of the extraneous lines inside the letters and the box...


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New Member
Look at adobes live paint stuff, works well, photoshop (yes photoshop does do some vector) Illustrator, and flash.
The guy at cartoonsmart.com has some good tips on this.
You should check it out.


New Member
Yeah, sort of... However, I'm wondering out how I can kill the lines inside the box? I can contour-out the lettering easily enough, but is there an quick and dirty way to make the lines just -stop- at the lettering?

I mean, I can do it by hand, but there's GOTTA be a better way...


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Once you get the hang of it Corel should be faster to deal with than Auto-Cad....I did this in Illustrator with Pathfinder and Expand tools but you can do it in Corel....just takes practice.

The top is how I designed it, the middle is no overlapping for layering and screenprinting the third is single color application....


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New Member
Well, between the weld and the simplify, I'm getting closer... But how do I get the lines inside the boxage to go away?


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New Member
You know, it'd be REALLY nice if all the nice software people would use the same language...

(NP, that Trey guitar dude from Phish... guilty pleasure and all that...)


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
I wish I knew my Corel speak better but in Illy I would have copy and pasted the ouside box shape on top and then use the "subtract from shape area"

Air Art Girl

New Member
you might be able to use the knife tool at this point but not sure. You have them welded with the circles now. You could also node edit and cut the nodes. Like Rick said, once you get used to Corel, it will be alot easier.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
I think the proper term is "trimming"...you copy and paste the outside box shape and place it on top, select the box shape and shapes you want "trimmed" away....page 119 on the Corel 12 User Guide


Quit buggin' me
One way to do this in X3:
1 select all the circles - combine (ctrl-l)
Select the text and the outter square > combine > bring them to the front (shift+pgUp - if they are on the same layer)

Shift-select to add the combined circles to the selection - "Trim" from the options that pop up in the upper toolbar when 2 or more objects are selected.
That should do it.

wayne k
guam usa


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New Member
Bogie I would suggest getting either Corel Unleased or Tom Knights CD's! I have over 20yrs in Microstation and AutoCad and I feel/felt your pain. I also would like to see some of the tools/commands from cad programs in these vector programs! ie: snap to different positions, mirror around a line or object etc.

Lunatic Taskbar

New Member
How I do it in Illy is Create a new box the size of the inner box and place it over the top (to ensure its th eright size) the send it to the back then, select both, then select minus back from the pathfinder menu... hope that helps a little, But thats in Illy, no idea in Corel, I stopped using that on version 3. But there may spark you to see something similar in Corel.


New Member
I have over 20yrs in Microstation and AutoCad and I feel/felt your pain. I also would like to see some of the tools/commands from cad programs in these vector programs! ie: snap to different positions, mirror around a line or object etc.

Ooooh. Wouldn't that be a treat! It took me quite a while to discover that you had to "describe a path" when what I really wanted to do was draw a line.



New Member
Well, between the weld and the simplify, I'm getting closer... But how do I get the lines inside the boxage to go away?

If everything is joined together as an object, you can use the 'shape tool' and select the nodes of the line inside the box and simply delete.


New Member
Thanks guys... I'll delve into this a bit more later, but I spent the day in the ER - girlfriend's having more complications to that surgery from last year...