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Can anyone re-create this whole image?


that it makes them even slower witted
I had a distribution gig in highschool for a while. I always found it made most folks ok with being boring. There were very few stoners that had any sort of hobbies, typically a musical instrument that they'd diddle for a few minutes while high, then just flip on family guy.
I was always more of the, 'can we turn this into a pipe/bong?' kinda stoner. Having a shop full of dangerous sh*t made for some fun evenings, amazingly never got hurt. My favorite was a coconut I hollowed out on a drill press.
Then I had kids.


Active Member
but, just think, if he had run it through topaz & image traced, as suggested, he wouldn't even remember who the client was, by now.


Premium Subscriber
Who're we talkin' about ?? When more than 2 or 3 characters show up, I start to get lost. :banghead:


Premium Subscriber
I want the author of post #43 to show us the results of their 2 minute solution.

Hahaaa..... I was being facetious. We all know how much people lie in this place. You can say anything ya want, if you don't back it up and then ignore the situation. People say one thing one day and do a complete turnaround the next day. Goes on all the time. :corndog:

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
After scanning through these various "Solutions" i have yet to see a quality vector from these shortcuts that everyone is trying.

The 3d effects i was referring to was that shading. Illustrator has 2 basic gradients. Linear and radial. There is a newer freeform in Adobe CC and the gradient mesh tool too. The latter 2 do require some trial and error to make it look good. I would rather turn down a job than disappoint a customer. This job is certainly not impossible in Illustrator and i am confident the freeform and gradient mesh tool would do a pretty good job but i am not experienced enough with either to do it correctly. I have done over 100,00 conversions over the years but i steer clear of gradient mesh conversions because they are not straightforward and i am hesitant using them. When i have fiddled with them the results are not what i expected. I have enough of a workload that i can afford to turn down these types of jobs

The most important part is file compatibility. The gradient mesh and freeform gradients don't open/import well into other programs. Many of my customers don't use the latest Adobe cc software


Active Member
After scanning through these various "Solutions" i have yet to see a quality vector from these shortcuts that everyone is trying.

The 3d effects i was referring to was that shading. Illustrator has 2 basic gradients. Linear and radial. There is a newer freeform in Adobe CC and the gradient mesh tool too. The latter 2 do require some trial and error to make it look good. I would rather turn down a job than disappoint a customer. This job is certainly not impossible in Illustrator and i am confident the freeform and gradient mesh tool would do a pretty good job but i am not experienced enough with either to do it correctly. I have done over 100,00 conversions over the years but i steer clear of gradient mesh conversions because they are not straightforward and i am hesitant using them. When i have fiddled with them the results are not what i expected. I have enough of a workload that i can afford to turn down these types of jobs

The most important part is file compatibility. The gradient mesh and freeform gradients don't open/import well into other programs. Many of my customers don't use the latest Adobe cc software
I think you always strive for 100% Matching copies where you wouldnt be able to tell the difference between the 2 no matter how hard you try... But most customers don't care. They'd rather something close, because the alternative is to blow the current graphic up 5 FT And it'd look like ass... While yours may be missing a detail here or there, or you may be inferring a few things... I think the customer would be more than happy with the way you set it up.

I think I've used you half a dozen times now... mainly for complicated, pain in the butt stuff we dont have time for, or know it'd take us 10X longer to do than what you charge.... I always preface every single quote request to you with "doesnt have to be exact... I know the file is garbage and you wont get it perfect, we're fine with close, customer just needs better than what they have" :roflmao: Never been let down yet! I think you should add a checkbox on your site where people can point that out if its not a job that needs to be perfect.

Otherwise... You get people using auto trace where the results are 1/2 as good as what you'd produce...and the customer ends up stuck with that anyways.


Owner, Designer & Installer
So...anyone know if Ghost reached out to DL, who seemed to had vectorized it and maybe worked out a deal of paying for the rendering???