I use mu Gerber P2C 1200 (summa D120 with Gerber body) to cut my Gerber edge FX prints through Omega 7 so it can be done

What kind of marks/workflow are you using for this?
We've recently started experimenting with cutting Edge prints on our Summa S140T plotter. The cut quality is great but running into some weird issues when printing w/ the small square OPOS marks.
It will print intermittent marks first, then feed back and print the job, but it's printing marks WITHIN the job. So when it goes back and prints the actual job, the marks are being covered by the print data which just seems like a weird glitch.
It also seems to get very confused w/ repeats and how much height you have to work with.
For example, it will think you can go up to 24 copies up, but anything above 20 won't work. It will even print partial copies or sometimes not print a copy but then cut in that location.
I've been using the Gerber Edge ---> Gerber Plotter workflow for 20+ years and I've never seen anything like this, it's like it intentionally tries to mess jobs up.
We've got 3 HS/GS plotters in various states and unfortunately none of them are very reliable right now, guess I'll have to get to tinkering and see if we can get one working again.