I didn't ignore him

However I have to ask you more than $400.00 for wrapping a hood in CF?
It would be 17 Sq Ft....that would be about $23.50 sq ft...I am NOT saying you are wrong or challenging you but are you being serious that you would charge OVER $400.00
May I ask what is more involved than a regular wrap unless you are charging $23.50 per sq ft for reg wraps too?
Yes I would... Using the film that everyone is suggesting is the worst material to use in "wrapping" something... and the end product looks like crap.
If you print a cf fill... this is the only economical way, but the look is 500x worse then the above method.
If you use DiNoc, which is expensive to begin with and you cant just buy a small chunk of the stuff, I would charge even more. This stuff is the only option... It's thick and its heavy. It looks good, but still not as good as a real carbon fiber hood and it achieves (other than the look) the complete opposite desired effect.
So, for the sake of a hood... an actual carbon fiber hood still is a better choice then anything provided for the customer. Unless he insists you do it in vinyl, I know I'd feel like I was taking advantage of them.
I was just pointing out an observation. You started the name calling.
I don't know how much this stuff is or where to buy it, but I just stumbled across it the other day on another forum. It's made by 3M, apparently has Controltac adhesive and is very conformable. It's a heat stamped film so it's 3D, meaning the light reflection will shift as the viewer moves, just like real carbon fiber. I'm told it's $4-5 p.s.f., so it's not cheap, but might be a good alternative for a carbon-fiber film. Sorry I don't know any more about it than that though.
I have DiNoc's expensive sample book sitting here and its amazing what they have to offer... They also offer their films w/ comply adhesive. The stuff I've worked with was $6 sq/ft my cost direct from manufacture in a qty greater than 2000 sq ft. Not sure how much the carbon fiber stuff runs
Dont worry.. I'm use to it on this site.
...and you shouldn't be. Man I could go for a sack of roasted chillis... stupid Minnesota.