The music is rock ( kind of music?
What are you trying to say with it?
What does it mean?
First, congrats on getting the disc finished! I've been involved in the making of over 15 in my day, and the effort is usually worth it!
now, for the design. I REALLY do not like the speaker symbol. Why do you want it in there? Are you concerned that people won't know that your CD contains music? The rest of the design has a certain feel to it, and that speak icon just looks ridiculously out of place.
I think hat if you just lose that, you will have a fully rendered concept.
I agree. Something about it. I looked at it again, and I think I'm going to use the speaker shape as a mask over an area of the background of the back cover so it's not so "look at me", and helps a sense of flow.If the speaker symbol is something that you are branding with, then it needs to be included - but what about "remaking" it to flow more with the ornate piece flowing off to the right of it?
just dropping the texture over the top of it isn't making it blend at all...
Of course, my opinion and $.50 will get you a bad cup of coffee