Thank you for the reply, and I'm looking forward to meeting you next week.
Let me preface this by saying you are correct that CET has definitely stood behind the machine and has gone above and beyond to keep it running, and that has not gone unnoticed.
That said, As Colorado pointed out, our issues started almost from day one. Per your technician 8 months into ownership, we were poorly trained by Advantage, to which you agreed and have already attempted to compensate us for with a $4500 ink credit, and we were able to get half of our training money back from Advantage as well.
That said, as I type this I am compiling a detailed timeline of breakdowns and it's nothing short of stunning, which I know you are well aware because we've spoken at length on an ongoing basis. My problem with CET is not you, or CET or your support, it's the fact that my machine is highly unreliable. Maybe I got a lemon, maybe some of the gremlins are a result of it initially being installed wrong and/or us being trained poorly, who really knows.
The bottom line is I've had a combined total of 4.5 MONTHS of downtime in 16 months of ownership. In just lease payments alone that's close to $10k out of my pocket. Not to mention the expense of the added overhead we've assumed because of the printer, the lost jobs, lost customers, and wasted media, ink and labor. The financial losses we face are absolutely enormous and devastating.
And, to address the voltage issue, this problem started before we moved the machine into it's new place, this started a week or so prior to that move (it's only been there since this past Tuesday, Ryan was here most of last week trying to figure this out to no avail). When we moved the machine we ran a second circuit for it as a dedicated power feed for the blowers, which were separated out on Wednesday of this week, but that did not solve the problem either.
At the moment, we've been printing solid for about 3 hours with no shutdowns. My understanding is Tee flip-flopped which power cord was plugged into which outlet, and installed a new UV power cable. We'll continue to print throughout the weekend and we will see if it continues to be stable or the problem reappears.
To be clear Dave, I am in no way interested in or trying to drag CET's name or your name through the mud. I just want a printer that works reliably so I can pay for it, and I want/deserve some sort of monetary compensation for the lost business and excessive down time this has cost my company.