New Member
We own a small sign shop 100ish miles from Houston. Yesterday new customer comes in and wants to get a price on cutting some vinyl lettering for his vehicle...2 layers...he will install. No problem. I quote the job and he says "Oh my gosh, that's high". Well, the graphics are 6' wide and 12" tall--2 layers, 4 cuts. I felt like my price was very fair. He says that the company in Houston that he normally deals with cut both sides of the same thing for $10. I almost fell out of my chair. I informed him that something had to be "really wrong with that picture". I didn't tell him, but i wouldn't waste my time to cut and weed 6' wide x 1 ft -4 times for that. We got into a discussion and turns out he is getting screen printed shirts RETAIL PRICED at $3 per shirt. UN FRICKIN BELIEVABLE! Don't these companies know that they are hurting all of us by selling this cheap? What's a small shop? Bad thing was, he was a really nice guy and I would have enjoyed having him as a customer.