New Member
OK, bear with me :Big Laugh
we currently own a BobCat60 plotter (24")
we actually bought it for fun to do our own graphics and things kinda snowballed from there
So it's time to get more serious and currently we're looking to buy a bigger plotter (54" or maybe bigger)
We've been looking into a Summa because of the good reports we've read here and elsewhere (and with the possible investment of a future printer, we may go for one with OPOS)
On the other hand, we're pretty pleased with the cheap b@stard Bobcat
which are also available in bigger sizes (Puma, Jaguar) although these are not available with a positioning system, they are quite a bit cheaper than the "big name" brands
the general consensus here is to stay away from these cheap types of plotters though
We can (and are prepared) to invest in a more expesive plotter, but since there's still plenty of other investments to make
On one hand we don't want to "over invest" at this point in time, but I'd also hate to find out in six months or so that we shoulda bought that other machine...
Every salesperson out there sells the best plotter ofcourse
wether it's cheap or expensive
So obviously, that's not much to go on
So, can some of you experienced users please tell me what's soo bad about the cheap plotters?
I'm seriously wondering what to look for in a plotter (other than size)
So what is it that really sets the more expsensive plotters apart from the cheap ones (other than the price and cheesy names)
mind you, we're just a couple of newbies
Decisions... decisions... So any input is appreciated!
I've got my fireproof underwear on, so feel free to flame me
we currently own a BobCat60 plotter (24")
we actually bought it for fun to do our own graphics and things kinda snowballed from there
So it's time to get more serious and currently we're looking to buy a bigger plotter (54" or maybe bigger)
We've been looking into a Summa because of the good reports we've read here and elsewhere (and with the possible investment of a future printer, we may go for one with OPOS)
On the other hand, we're pretty pleased with the cheap b@stard Bobcat
which are also available in bigger sizes (Puma, Jaguar) although these are not available with a positioning system, they are quite a bit cheaper than the "big name" brands
the general consensus here is to stay away from these cheap types of plotters though
We can (and are prepared) to invest in a more expesive plotter, but since there's still plenty of other investments to make
On one hand we don't want to "over invest" at this point in time, but I'd also hate to find out in six months or so that we shoulda bought that other machine...
Every salesperson out there sells the best plotter ofcourse
wether it's cheap or expensive
So obviously, that's not much to go on
So, can some of you experienced users please tell me what's soo bad about the cheap plotters?
I'm seriously wondering what to look for in a plotter (other than size)
So what is it that really sets the more expsensive plotters apart from the cheap ones (other than the price and cheesy names)
mind you, we're just a couple of newbies
Decisions... decisions... So any input is appreciated!
I've got my fireproof underwear on, so feel free to flame me