Quit buggin' me
Do you know of anyone that's used male enhancement products more than once? for the Kardashians, to me personally, they are the pure antithesis of pain relief!
It would be hard to find anyone who would admit to using male enhancement products even once. much less anyone admitting to watching the Kardashians on TV.
As for the ME industry note the keywords "growth, size, expansion" in the following cut & paste.
A 6% increase in the size of the industry is even more growth than what they promise in their products - someone must be buying in........
The Male Enhancement Industry
Statistics for the male enhancement industry are impressive. Take a look at the following points to gauge the size and power that this industry has:
- Sales revenue of over $5 billion per year (doesn't include pharmaceutical products).
- Profits of over $900 million per year.
- Consumer base of over 20 million people.
- Presence in most countries throughout the world.
Growth in the Male Enhancement Industry
Each and every year, the male enhancement industry grows. As more and more people discover that the products of modern day male enhancement to actually work, word-of-mouth causes other people to look seriously at buying products in the industry, and this results in higher sales and higher profits.
Currently, the growth path for the male enhancement industry is a positive one, with about 5% revenue growth each year forecast until 2014. Because of innovation and new products being released all the time, after 2014 the industry is expected to grow at a rate of around 6% per year for the following four years.
When compared to other industries, this growth rate is significantly higher, and it reflects the ability of the male enhancement industry to differentiate their products on a regular basis.
So what does all this mean? Ultimately, the male enhancement industry is a well developed, reliable industry with a solid base and with a very positive outlook for the future.