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City to pay 300K for blocking sign


New Member
The situation shows the value of signs, and their importance.
That location is now done...

Seems to me they could have come up with some other type of sign solution (ex. different location) as a compromise.


New Member
all to often local townships "Stick it" to the locals without any concern for "The People".
It's about time somebody becomes liable!


New Member
If it where a small company they would of just went out of business and the Village wouldn't of thought twice to help them relocate.

BTW that is the shortest McDonalds sign I have ever seen. Usually they are about 40-50' high

Pat Whatley

New Member
Didn't it say they'd offered to put it on the bridge? Seems to me that would be much more effective and visible than the regular sign was before the bridge was built.

The plastic haired lawyer who thought $300,000 sounded like a good figure is a f'ing moron.

John L

New Member
I'd be thrilled if they built a bridge for the patrons to access my restaurant from the other side of the highway. Customers on foot don't take up parking lot space, rarely come alone, don't jam up the drive-thru, probably stay a little longer and even buy desert.

But anyway...... McDonalds SUCKS.


New Member
the city got off easy only paying 300k even though its mcdonalds.if it was one of us we wouldnt have a chance.we would be outta buisiness.it just goes to show you how goverment just takes over.they should pay double and realize that they may have put a few people outta work due to the loss of buisiness.


New Member
Agree on both count!

I'd be thrilled if they built a bridge for the patrons to access my restaurant from the other side of the highway. Customers on foot don't take up parking lot space, rarely come alone, don't jam up the drive-thru, probably stay a little longer and even buy desert.

But anyway...... McDonalds SUCKS.

Wouldn't it be easier to make them a sign on approaching traffic like ½ mile before the exit saying McD's next exit!!! That would cost tons less!

And I have a 6 year old that won't eat Mcd's just goes for the toys! McD's SUCK!


New Member
The situation shows the value of signs, and their importance.

+1 but the phrase "doo doo happens" comes to mind. Trees block signs, buildings get built covering entire plazas and their signs, trucks park repeatedly in front of signs... it's usually the little guy who suffers, this time it ain't. And if you think for one minute their winning a settlement will teach anyone a lesson or do any good for the little guy, you're just kidding yourself. It sounds like they could be a better "corporate citizen" and arrive at a better solution than the big pay-off!


Just Me
+1 but the phrase "doo doo happens" comes to mind. Trees block signs, buildings get built covering entire plazas and their signs, trucks park repeatedly in front of signs... it's usually the little guy who suffers, this time it ain't. And if you think for one minute their winning a settlement will teach anyone a lesson or do any good for the little guy, you're just kidding yourself. It sounds like they could be a better "corporate citizen" and arrive at a better solution than the big pay-off!

That was my point. Because it was MickeyD's with their corporate muscle and attorneys - there was a payout. But betchya that if that had been Granny's Antique Shoppe they would have been SOL...


New Member
For cryin' out loud, in our city they are actually considering making it against the law to have the word "PAWN" on your place of business or sign... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!