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Cold weather glass installation...help

the graphics co

New Member
I am looking for tips and suggestions on an installation. It is a temporary piece that is roughly 200 sq.ft., They say it will be up for less than a month, but we all know how that goes. The weather is up and down lately, but it will definitely be below 50 degrees here in Chicago. The graphics will be installed on a glass store front, what would be the best material combo, and do i need to do any additional prep for the cold surface temps? Keep in mind i will also have to remove these at some point in the near future.

Thanks in advance,


New Member
I install here in Calgary all winter, even at -40c. For glass installs I spray isopropal solution, razer blade the glass, wipe clean with lint free rag. We then use Rapid Tac 2 for the install(wet method). We found rapid tac 2 really increases the adhesion. If you are putting on a lot of text, spray your transfer tape with the iso solution to weaken the adhesion to the vinyl.


New Member
You guys do installs in that weather!? Here in Wpg, we use winter as an excuse not to do exterior vinyl installs lol.

Have you looked at using IJ35 or IJ40 or something similar? Probably wouldn't be TOO bad to install/remove in winter.
Pays the bills, lol.
I have a contract CN Rail putting on ID decals on the front corners of their trailers, so the drivers can find the trailers fast.
It is a real PITA on frozen aluminum, covered in slush and ice! Rapid tac 2 is the only way to get the decals to stick.


New Member
I used to do a lot of install in Alaska in temps down to about -10 degrees, and we found that placing a space heater on the opposite side of the glass works quite well. Obviously this only really works if putting the graphics on the first surface and heat the second - otherwise the heater can't keep up. We just used a run-of-the-mill 1500W space heater.

We used high performance vinyls with 4050RLA (medium tack) tape with no app fluids - You DO NOT NEED high tack tape for this...It WILL make it harder. Trust me.

My 0.02! ;)


New Member
And as wedosigns said, spray down the transfer tape after application to break down the adhesive if you are still having problems peeling the tape.


New Member
I used to do a lot of install in Alaska in temps down to about -10 degrees, and we found that placing a space heater on the opposite side of the glass works quite well. Obviously this only really works if putting the graphics on the first surface and heat the second - otherwise the heater can't keep up. We just used a run-of-the-mill 1500W space heater.

We used high performance vinyls with 4050RLA (medium tack) tape with no app fluids - You DO NOT NEED high tack tape for this...It WILL make it harder. Trust me.

My 0.02! ;)

agreed, ive never used any chemical other than in the summer to install window lettering, just done see a reason.


New Member
I have no idea what the layout looks like but maybe do it on a big piece of static cling vinyl, it comes in rolls 48" wide. Just throwing this out there. I've never tried it but it might work for a month and it'd be way easy to apply and remove...

the graphics co

New Member
We ended up reverse printing on low tack clear and laminating the back with white and installed on the inside of the glass instead of the outside. Take a look.


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New Member
Looks nice - I thought there was a ton of bubbles in it at first until I realized those are just Christmas lights or something...Very cool.


New Member
We ended up reverse printing on low tack clear and laminating the back with white and installed on the inside of the glass instead of the outside. Take a look.

...nice legs...I mean install.........
(I hope the white was lo tac as well.......)



New Member
Some Manufacturers allow a % of Isopropyl or Methylated spirits in the slip solution to speed up drying time/adhesion.