To be honest I am new to this and don’t know. I am a photographer and I know when I calibrate my epson 7900 photo printer I pretty much get what I see.
I am using the Mutoh 1204 with flexi sign 12 and siglab 10. I have been using solvex photo paper which I do not have a profile for and thought that maybe I could create one.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my newbie questions
Unlike the Epson 7900 the Mutoh 1204 has to be addressed as a CMYK halftone printer, although the Epson 7900 can be addressed as a CMYK device as well with a RIP. I am just assuming that your addressing it as an RGB device and are familiar with making RGB output profiles. That means on the Mutoh 1204 you really need to be able to do ink limits per channel, total ink limits and linearization. Ink limits per channel, and linearization need to be done with a spectro and the RIP. If you don't have the profiling package with your RIP, you can create an output profile (CMYK for the Mutoh 1204) with other software providing you can save the profile target and print from your RIP with the linearization/calibration enabled but all other color management turned off.
That being said you could probably get by with a stock linearization/calibration for similar media and quality settings and create a output profile for new media on top of that. That is not ideal but it might get you by with software that supports the Color Munki. Also keep in mind that with CMYK output profiles you need to choose GCR/black ink settings to get optimum print quality for the type of print your doing.