Hi aluma panel is good for most sign work never heard of nudo panel, Never heard of mdo. but this stuff is partical board or sawdust board as I call it. mdf with melemine on both front and back. it uses a different glue so it is water resistent.
There is also a plastic board that is made of plastic with wood sawdust in it good stuff but it is plastic. dont look good. and most paint will let go over time like a year or two.
The signs I am making are V carved on my cnc machne. I can get furniture grade stuff it has a covering of veneer, paper, and melimine but it is not water proof. As soon as it gets damp it swells up.
Yes I dont whant to use plywood. To much work to finish it. To may voids.
I should have said the material needs to be 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick as the face is carved from a 1/8 to 3/8 inch deep. I found 3 or 4 companys that make this product but they will not sell to the public as they say. everything is shipped to the states. Mostly the lower states. that is the problem up here. I really dont whant to have to re import it. I think the companies are american owned. These signs are like the house signs that you see in front of peoples homes and they are carved. We do have the material up here. I have used it before but the company that had it is out of business now. their phone will not work.