I suggest you ask the bloggers at this site what it is exactly that your client wants to know. I believe most important is what will be your customers primary application?
Quark suggests there are three categories, A (Zund, Esko), B (Summa), & C (Colex, Gerber, Multicam, & others). There was a time in the past where Zund and Esko (Kongsberg) were the best choice based on performance for both cutting rigid substrates and routing rigid substrates. Today, both units are still top performers for customers doing high volumes of cutting and routing; and, both units are by far, significantly higher priced than the other units listed. Gerber recently acquired MCT, another high performance cutter/router which competes quite favorably with Zund and Esko but at a slightly lower price point. I believe Summa F series and Colex will compete quite favorably against Zund, Esko, and Gerber/MCT for most ALL cutting applications; however, neither compete favorably against Zund, Esko, and Gerber/MCT if high volume routing is your customers principal requirement. It should be noted that both Summa and Colex are also significantly lower priced than the aforementioned products. Multicam and AXYZ advertise their products as competitive finishing cutters; however, I believe these units are better suited for high volume routing.
Axel noted that he purchased his Colex over a year ago and: "My personal opinion, the support Presale that I received from Colex over Summa was by far greater." Shame on Summa; however, it should be noted that at the time Axel was soliciting presale advice for a flatbed cutter/router, SummaAmerica had just reorganized its sales and marketing operation in NA. Today, I would expect you and your customer to get equal pre and post sales/service from Summa.
I hope this clears up some of your concerns. If you want more specific information, post what your client wants to finish!
Enjoy the day