Pixels Are Bad Mmmkay?
New Member
We ordered a 12" x 48" hanging lighted sign cabinet for a customer a little over a month ago. We put a graphic on the polycarbonate diffuser panel, delivered, and installed it in the customers front window. The sign hangs a couple inches behind the front window which, if I remember correctly, is a newer double pane window. The customer is happy with the sign but is complaining that the sign panel is collecting condensation inside the cabinet. It's enough that if you tap the panel the condensation will run down the panel. The fixture uses two 48" T5 flourescent bulbs and has a small vent hole on one end of the cabinet.
So my question is, what options do we have to help her with this issue? Should she check the humidity in her office and buy a dehumidifier if neccessary? Or could I wire in a 110v PC fan to circulate air through the cabinet, if they even make 110v PC fans small enough (would have to be two inches or smaller in diameter)? Any thoughts or suggestions on this? Thanks for any input.
So my question is, what options do we have to help her with this issue? Should she check the humidity in her office and buy a dehumidifier if neccessary? Or could I wire in a 110v PC fan to circulate air through the cabinet, if they even make 110v PC fans small enough (would have to be two inches or smaller in diameter)? Any thoughts or suggestions on this? Thanks for any input.