Hi there
I was doing some cleaning on my SP300V based on what I was reading on the forums to try to fix my banding and overspray issues, and when I was cleaning the wipers I noticed the wiper scraper was sitting in a weird position, so I removed the metal cover and it was broken almost in half.
I took it and traced it with a pen on a piece of cardboard so I can cut a new one from some mylar I have that is similar to the material this one is made, but my problems are :
1: can I run the machine without the wiper scraper at least for a while ?
2 : what's the proper position for that piece ? I was trying to fit it in place but I had a really hard time doing it.
Someone with a printer without the cover that can share a picture of how the scraper sits in there ?
Ohh , and I cleaned my encoder strip ..... nasty !!!!!!

I was doing some cleaning on my SP300V based on what I was reading on the forums to try to fix my banding and overspray issues, and when I was cleaning the wipers I noticed the wiper scraper was sitting in a weird position, so I removed the metal cover and it was broken almost in half.
I took it and traced it with a pen on a piece of cardboard so I can cut a new one from some mylar I have that is similar to the material this one is made, but my problems are :
1: can I run the machine without the wiper scraper at least for a while ?
2 : what's the proper position for that piece ? I was trying to fit it in place but I had a really hard time doing it.
Someone with a printer without the cover that can share a picture of how the scraper sits in there ?
Ohh , and I cleaned my encoder strip ..... nasty !!!!!!