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Crazy what some people get away with.

We got called to this location to check out a "broken sign" that needs "repair". Upon arriving at the site and taking a closer look, we realized this sign needs more than just repair, this sign needs completely replaced. The following pics show the condition we found the sign in. I can't believe someone actually got away with mounting the sign to the roof like this. We plan on submitting a bid to reconstruct the sign as well as the frame that it's attached to. I'm sure this topic will get a lot of discussion. It's been 24 hours since I saw this thing and I'm still shaking my head in disbelief.



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New Member
You broke my sign !!
It did not look like that when I finished it !!
You are just stealing my customers and money !
You are gonna hear from my lawyer !!


/ sarc
look up who did that and tell us.


New Member
Amazes me how people even contemplate on installing signs like this.
We took down a 16 ft by 2ft electrical cabinet sign in NYC a few years back that was attached to the gate box directly over the entrance door where the public used.The box was attached to the gate with SHEETROCK screws and cheap H/D corner brackets :banghead: If that came down it would have killed someone if they were walking under it at the wrong time.
Sheetrock screws come on FFS!!!!


Quit buggin' me
Subliminal advertizing - people look at the sign and and subconsciously transfer its broken down condition to themselves and feel the need to stop in for a tune-up?

wayne k
guam usa


Premium Subscriber
How many times have you seen people come here with questions about this sorta thing..... like how do I hang it, how do I build it, can I get away with, how long will this last........... crap ??

I can't honestly say this is the sign guy's fault.

He might've been beat up on the price.
He might not have installed it.
The customer could've gone with the cheapest bid and acted as the general on the installation.

How many people come here looking at how to install this kinda thing and then go silent, cause they know they'll loose the job doing it correctly ??
How many end-users have gotten just enough information to do this on their own ??

I agree, it's a hack's way of doing it, but some people will virtually do anything to put food on the table.

round man

New Member
+1 what Gino said,.... when I asked how folks got by with such shoddy work my old boss used to tell me back in the late 60's and early 70's "Boy anyone who knows their ABC's and 10 numbers can call themselves a sign man",...just goes to show some things never change,....
I can't honestly say this is the sign guy's fault.

He might've been beat up on the price.
He might not have installed it.
The customer could've gone with the cheapest bid and acted as the general on the installation.

I agree, it's a hack's way of doing it, but some people will virtually do anything to put food on the table.

I agree. It's most likely not the sign guys fault. Most likely it's the third scenario you described. However, I will probably find out exactly how this happened as soon as the company representative gets back to me next week. This sign has managed to survive this way for ten years but recently sustained the damage that you see to the panel on the right. They asked me if it should be taken down immediately even before we make the new sign and I said that I certainly would take it down if it was up to me.

As far as putting food on the table, we bid this job plenty high in my opinion and we will most likely get it as we do a lot of work for this company. If we were to do it the cheap way I would be more worried about getting our butts sued. Rest assured this situation will not happen with us installing the sign. We will have a licensed contractor with us to make sure everything is properly attached to the roof and sealed around the holes. As far as building a framework to mount it, I'm planning on building a solid rectangular angle iron frame and having triangular mounts so the sign frame itself takes the wind load and the load isn't supported solely by three bolts in the roof as it is now. The way whoever did this job is just wrong in more ways than one. I don't care how bad I need money, you either do a job right or you don't do it at all.


New Member
let's back up time and go back to when this custoemr bought the sign. I bet it went soemting like this. company A bids the sign and qutoes the install. company B does the same but is more than half the cost of company A not only on the price of the sign but the install is so much less. company B gets the job and THEN asks on a sign website how to install it. comapny B hears all the proper ways but since they actually cost money, company B asks his dad who runs a pest control company and has no clue and goes with dad's plan as it only cost $3 in materials...


Active Member
I wouldn't necessarily assume a sign guy did this. It wouldn't be the first time a business owner put up his own sign. And when they do - they usually look like that one.


New Member

I'd bet this was installed by the customer, not the sign company. Lucky someone wasn't killed by that thing if it fell off the roof.


Active Member
I don't know, I think it has the earmarks of someone who knew a little about installing signs.
Enough to know that it should be installed off the roof a few inches, that slotted angle is used
and they knew conduit with flattened ends can be used as braces.
Like the old saying goes "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing".


New Member
I don't know, I think it has the earmarks of someone who knew a little about installing signs.
Enough to know that it should be installed off the roof a few inches, that slotted angle gets used
and they knew about using conduit with flattened ends as braces.


there are some incredible hacks out there. you should see some of the electrical work done by other sign shops if you think this is scary.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
NO EXCUSES .... You should have charged them $50 to take the sign & most hardware down ( leave what is in roof ) set sign up against wall.

Cause the least bit of wind it is coming down ...Lawsuit

I do not care who put it up .... you see it it is DANGEROUS

If a con-artist put it up the payee is a fool for paying for it.
If the owner did this they are a bigger fool.
If a wanna-be sign person did this, they really should consider there future & what they are stepping into.

Ragin Cajun

New Member
I bet a friend of the owner put this sign up because real sign shops charge too much!

The problem I see here is his roof is probably leaking.

There is a reason only one bracket has a patch of tar on it.

Once you do something with this sign even replacing it...if you don't seal the roof up good...later he will come back on you for roof repairs.

You better keep these photos for when he tries to sue you for his roof leaking.



New Member
I knew I shouldn't have let the installers install it during the middle of the night just to save on permit cost.

At least it lasted this long............


New Member
willing to bet is was not installed by a sign guy.

Have seen too many times first hand where installation is quoted and the customer flips, then does the install themselves and usually turn our about like that.