Day Sign, Thanks a ton for that, I'm sure I can trace that in no time.
S-Rex, I don't at all want it to seem that the company gave me the run
around. They were all nice and as helpful as the could be, I just couldn't
get in touch with the right person, and perhaps I fell through the cracks. I
don't ever want to make it seem that the company was jerking me around,
because they were not. I think it may have been timing and me knot
knowing the right person to talk to. All were helpful as could be, and I want
no one to think that anyone was doing anything less than they could. I
have sent another message to them, but I think that the image daysign
sent will be more than adequate for a parking sign.
An I must admit, a hurry on my part was partially to blame for the hasty
search for the logo.
Anyhoo, thanks all, hopefully I can run these all out tomorrow and not have
to worry again!