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Customer quote of the day


New Member
That's a hell of a stretch.

Please point out exactly where in the post to which you're responding I have said anything not true as well as explain just what that might have to do with slavery.

Just your use of language, The Way Thing Are, chattel, pleasure of proprietors...pointless topic to debate, turns into religion and concept of man before long, super pointless on the internet. Just found your use of language...amusing.

Circleville Signs

New Member
How in the world does Bob's comment turn into a debate on the concept of man? He specifically stated that anything that IS NOT HUMAN is considered chattel property. He is correct. One registers a license as the OWNER of a dog.


Quit buggin' me
I don't, for the life of me, understand why a grown man is afraid of any type of animal smaller than he is.

I also don't understand the idea that we need to give animals "rights". Let me tell you one of my dog stories. (BTW - i have personally put down a few animals - doesn't bother me one single bit - because they are animals, not people. And the ones that I took out of this world deserved to be taken out. Except for the game animals that I shoot. They are just super tasty.) Anyways...

My daughter was about 3 years old and we were at my In-laws. My father in law had a Husky/Chow mix named Bear. Bear was an outside dog, and we had never had any problems with him in the past. My sister in law was holding my daughter, and Bear got jealous for some reason (at least I think that was his motivation). He began to growl, circled away, then charged and leaped at my 3 year old daughter. My response was not to cringe, or think about whether the animal had rights. I literally grabbed the 90 lb. dog out of mid-air by its throat, choke slammed it into the ground, and then snapped it's neck. It took about 8 seconds all in all. And i'd do it again, and again, and again if necessary.

Of course, if I'm being honest, if a human launches itself at any of my kids with intent to maim or kill, I'll probably do the exact same thing.

This made me think I'd like to re-read Jack London's "Call of the Wild" one more time.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member

I'm waiting to hear from "anothersignmaniac", and how she interprets these statistics.
It must be a conspiracy against pitbulls....OR thats just a nasty animal that can't be trusted? I'll concede, there are a FEW nice ones, but none I would trust completely.

I'm a little nicer than Gino....
If a dog did that to my wife, or even threatened my kids, the first thing I'd do is kill the dog. Wouldn't blink an eye (that goes for my own dog also). The owner would know I was REALLY unhappy too.

And I'm a big time dog lover.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Hay Pat,did the guy ever end up getting puller over and if so what happened?
Got pulled over once before he was a half mile up the road. The story I heard was that the cop wrote him a ticket then advised him to take it off. The guy said no, for some reason he believed that he'd already been ticketed for it and couldn't get another one until after his court date. The nice officer let him leave....then his partner pulled the guy over another couple of blocks up the road and gave him another ticket. He did some quick editing at that point. I seriously doubt he ever found that constitutional rights lawyer who was gonna make him rich.

Kid called himself Cane Loc (loke) and had a long, long history of run ins with the police over ridiculously stupid stuff like stealing a 45mph sign and installing it in the place of a 35mph sign where he'd just gotten a ticket.


Quit buggin' me
I think this is the only pitbull I would trust 100%.

wayne k
guam usa


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New Member
Pat, please keep us updated on any future exploits of Cane Loc. This guy is a comedic goldmine.


New Member
IMO. there is no argument on the topic. Pitbulls were bred to be the dogs they are and to own own is to understand and willingly put you self, your children, and anyone exposed to it directly into harms way. They're not good dogs. and frankly, I'm just going to ignore you when you try to defend them, and then to rub it in, i'm going to ignore you when you come back and whine about the fact that your "good dog" ripped the face off your 3 month old infant. if they're that important to you... i presume you can find a different "good dog" to be your loyal pet. If i could get away with it, i'd shoot every one i see. sorry, not a topic i tread lightly on.

Pat Whatley

New Member
By the way Suz, all car manufacturers are required by the DOT to include devices on their vehicles to handle situations such as vicious dogs in the driveway. They call them bumpers and tires. The rapid application of the bumper followed by the subsequent use of one of more of the tires will quickly and effectively provide a solution.


New Member
IMO. there is no argument on the topic. Pitbulls were bred to be the dogs they are and to own own is to understand and willingly put you self, your children, and anyone exposed to it directly into harms way. They're not good dogs. and frankly, I'm just going to ignore you when you try to defend them, and then to rub it in, i'm going to ignore you when you come back and whine about the fact that your "good dog" ripped the face off your 3 month old infant. if they're that important to you... i presume you can find a different "good dog" to be your loyal pet. If i could get away with it, i'd shoot every one i see. sorry, not a topic i tread lightly on.


By the way Suz, all car manufacturers are required by the DOT to include devices on their vehicles to handle situations such as vicious dogs in the driveway. They call them bumpers and tires. The rapid application of the bumper followed by the subsequent use of one of more of the tires will quickly and effectively provide a solution.

Lol I love that!