• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Dear Santa (and by Santa I mean Fred)


New Member
I'm seeing posts tonight with requests for features here... like "chickets" and "infractions"... so i'm getting in line with my Christmas list.

GG's Christmas Wish List
1. Signs 101 Mobile
2. A Pony

I don't know the first thing about the time, effort or cost of creating a mobile or smart-phone version of a website. But, i'm curious to know the interest level of other members for Signs 101 to go mobile.

Maybe accepting contribute from members could help off-set the cost of such a great feature. If enough member were interested, even small donations could make a dent in the cost.

if the level of interest or contribution don't prove to be enough... feel free to move to #2 on my list.

if i'm on the naught list... never mind

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I'm seeing posts tonight with requests for features here... like "chickets" and "infractions"... so i'm getting in line with my Christmas list.

GG's Christmas Wish List
1. Signs 101 Mobile
2. A Pony

I don't know the first thing about the time, effort or cost of creating a mobile or smart-phone version of a website. But, i'm curious to know the interest level of other members for Signs 101 to go mobile.

Maybe accepting contribute from members could help off-set the cost of such a great feature. If enough member were interested, even small donations could make a dent in the cost.

if the level of interest or contribution don't prove to be enough... feel free to move to #2 on my list.

Ho ho ho ... And have you been a very, very good girl? :rolleyes:

1. This is a feature that has been oft requested and that we would add in a heartbeat. I would expect that such a feature would only be available after an upgrade to the current version 4 of vBulletin ... and I am not saying that it is available. I simply don't even know. The one problem I would have would be my inability to support it since I do not own a smart phone and have no intention of buying one. I can't answer questions or look at problems if I can't see it.

2. This brings back many fond memories of when I was out west and used to breed Shetland ponies. What! You laugh! It's not easy to breed Shetland ponies and it can be quite dangerous. They move their feet around a lot when one breeds them and if you get a toe stepped on it hurts like hell.

But since you have asked so nicely, it's Christmas in September. Here ya go. Enjoy! :ROFLMAO:



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New Member
You can load mobile sites on a regular browser from what I can tell. I sometimes have done that when I get fed up with too much crap on my screen. If you have a facebook account, you can go to m.facebook.com and see it's just the text that you would see on your phone. Same thing with m.espn.com. It's not always pretty since it isn't layed out for that screen, but you can still see it.

I am with Gypsy though...I've been wishing for one for years since I had my first blackberry. The iPhone loads it pretty well, just not as good as sites set up to be mobile.


New Member
Oh wow, you have a problem install and you can ask for advice with one hand while you hang off the ladder with the other.

Now if only my smartphone could run a RIP...


New Member
in defense of the current setup, i've surfed these pages plenty via my smartphone... just takes a bit of maneuvering/zooming.


New Member
Here's what I get. It's not bad...just loads a little slower if I'm not on wifi.


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New Member
The site loads just fine but if i want to be able to read anything (and sometimes i do, after i look at the pretty pictures) to get the text large enough to read, i have to do the dreaded left/right scroll... which is not only frustrating, but hard to do when your driving or riding a pony.

Fred, did you really breed Shetland's? Got a funny Shetland pony story for you... but it's not appropriate here, maybe for the "after 9pm NHB" forum.
s101_iPhone.jpg s101_iPhone-2.jpg

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Fred, did you really breed Shetland's? Got a funny Shetland pony story for you... but it's not appropriate here, maybe for the "after 9pm NHB" forum.

No GG ... it's a running joke that goes all the way back to my teenage years. You may have to read my post again and picture what I wrote to find the humor.


New Member

There are mobile templates for VB3 but they are a PITA to set up unless you're proficient at setting up VB templates.. and you can toss a little PHP code in to make it give a link to (or force) the mobile theme.


New Member
No GG ... it's a running joke that goes all the way back to my teenage years. You may have to read my post again and picture what I wrote to find the humor.

what are you trying to tell me Fred...that my pony's not a purebred.... that he's a, a, a, a Pugland!

i hate when stuff goes over my head... musta been cuz i was so excited about my pony! yeah, that's it.