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delete white box around bitmap

Can someone please help me delete the white box in a bitmap? I can't seem to fiqure out how to get rid of it.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I am using corel 12.

Thank you,


New Member
I don't use Corel, However try using a mask or save the BMP in a format with a transparent background such as a psd.


New Member
An alternative to transparent bakground in COREL.....

is node editing, just like a vectored shape....see photo


  • Untitled-1.jpg
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The Big Squeegee

Long Time Member

Designs by Stacy said:
Can someone please help me delete the white box in a bitmap? I can't seem to fiqure out how to get rid of it.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I am using corel 12.

Thank you,
You can remove the background in Adobe Photoshop so you can put a background on it. But if you just want to clear up the background you can mask it and paint over the background with white.

If you're editing a .wmf you may be working with a vector file. Use the ungroup funtion and delete any of it you want.

If I haven't answered the question it may be because I don't know enough about what you are doing to be of any help...


New Member

I believe the question was concerning COREL.
But if we want to venture into Photoshop.....
a mask is applied (the pink area) and then you save as a "TARGA" file.


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New Member
Powerclip simply places an image INTO another image (i.e. photo into some text, but not limited to bitmaps).

The way I understand the question, you want to remove the background. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but probably the easiest is to use the Magic Wand tool and select the various colors of the image. This masks the image and then you can remove the background after the image is fully masked.

Bobby H

Arial Sucks.
Fred's solution is the simplest, and most logical offered thus far.

Stacy, you just create a vector shape around the area of the image you want to isolate. Select your bitmap image, go to the Effects menu and select Powerclip. On the Powerclip flyout menu choose "place inside container." By default, Powerclip will center the object in the container. To shift things around a bit, select the Powerclipped object, go to the Powerclip flyout menu and choose "Edit Contents." You can nudge the bitmap around to the position you like. When finished, select "Finish Editing This Level."

There are drawbacks to Powerclip use. They often don't export well to other applications. Certain printer RIPs can disregard the effect.

Others have mentioned using Photoshop, but not offered the best solutions from there.

In Photoshop you can do essentially what I just described by making a "clipping path." Use the pen tool to digitize around the object whose background you want to eliminate. Be sure to save the path by renaming it something else other than Work Path. In the paths palette you can change that path's properties to a clipping path. The TIFF and Photoshop EPS formats will both support clipping paths. When you place the image into a page layout application (like InDesign or QuarkXpress) or any other graphics program that supports clipping paths (CorelDRAW does) the background in the photo will be elminated. This method for knocking out backgrounds is by far the most common used in professional print layout. And it's the most reliable.

You can try making an alpha channel mask or "quick mask" in Photoshop and saving in a number of formats (TIFF is still the best choice for that sort of thing). But other applications have questionable support for it. The image may load in some programs, but when you go to print the RIP may disregard the alpha channel and print the whole bitmap, white background and all.

Tony Teveris

New Member
Powerclip is one way. If the image part you wish to keep does not have any of the color(s) you wish to have transparent you can select the image and from the bitmap menu select "bitmap color mask". In the tool bar you can select a number of colors to be transparent by selecting the eye dropper and selecting colors from the image.
Designs by Stacy

Thank you everyone for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help me on this matter.
I am going to take tomorrow and try all the different ideas that you have given me.
I really really appreciate all the help!!


New Member
Here's an issue I see frequently in all versions of Corel Draw and it seems to have carried over into X3, when you export your image as a bitmap, a thin border or transition (one pixel in thickness by default, larger if you change the default settings) has been added in the final image.

Here's how I deal with the problem in one of two ways:

1. Open the image in Corel PhotoPaint and crop the image by one pixel on all four sides. This is the best solution if the outer edge has multiple colors.

2. If the image has a single color outer edge, prior to exporting the image, simply change the background color to match your border, the resulting export will give you the desired results.

The border is a result of the export process using an algorithm that averages the color of the outer edge of your image with the immediate background color. Which algorithm is used depends upon your selection of variables in the export dialogue boxes, the more smoothing you choose, the wider the "buffer" you will get. If the background is black, the border will be shades of gray. If you create images for the web, this is a handy feature as you can set your background color to match your website's background and the exported images will blend neatly with your webpage.


New Member
jimdes said:
Here's an issue I see frequently in all versions of Corel Draw and it seems to have carried over into X3, when you export your image as a bitmap, a thin border or transition (one pixel in thickness by default, larger if you change the default settings) has been added in the final image. ...

Is there a check box in Corel that will let you export a bitmap "un" anti-alias'd. (there's a technical term, huh?) I suspect that it is the anti-aliasing that is making the pixel border, but I don't know Corel all that well. ...just wondering.


New Member
Yes Vid, there is.
Depending on which version of Corel Draw you run, the options will appear in one of several dialog boxes that appear during the export process.

1. The "Export" Dialog box lets you name your file, choose the destination, file format and file compression type. (For this example I'll follow the bitmap pathe)

2. The "Convert to Bitmap" dialog box lets you dictate the size, resolution, and aspects of the final image such as: anti-aliasing, dithering, transparency, ICC profiles, aspect ratio, and layer retention.

3. The "Convert to paletted" dialog box lets you set all the parameters of your color palette and the dithering variables.