As Vinylman said..CALL THE COMPANY!
Don't ever trust an email or even a phone call... just tell them you will contact directly. If they're legit they understand, if not, they hang up.
Bleepin' scammers, there isn't enough jail time for these scumbags ... that is IF they ever get caught. This is where my old school thinking gets me into trouble as to what I think should be done with them. Man, do I ever wish Fish and Game would start making hunting tags available for these idiots.
Just yesterday I had an email for a gas and electric bill from PG&E saying I was past due for over $500.00...completely phony PG&E doesn't even have territory around here, it's Avista. Check on PG&E website and it talks about the scam being investigated.
Then again today I got contacted by "Frontier Communications" saying I was up for renewal and they had some offers for me..."can I please get your account information?" Yeah right, I always tell them I'll call Frontier myself (which I do have an account with) and it's unbelievable how fast they hang up!
I wonder how many "Dear sir or madam, I would like to purchase 60 banners for our mission group that reads "Please help feed the hungry" from Reverend So and So" I'll get this week.
The problem is that aging people that don't know better. My mom is starting to lose her marbles a bit at 81 and I worry she'll fall for these predators.
Don't trust anybody that calls or emails.
I hope it all works out for you.