Advice that you aren't going to want to hear:
If a client insists on stupidity, I do not allow them to be MY client. They can go be someone else's headache. What you posted is BAD. The hairdryer icon looks like it belongs on a hastily cobbled together iPod app. It feels out of joint with the flourishes to either side.
The "Hair Studio" being in the teal color against the black, and the rest in the "electric" blue is a terrible color combo.
Also, is the guy's last name "Salon"? If so, that's nuts. I'm guessing though that it is instead the "Charles E" Salon.
My advice, since it appears that you are throwing darts in the dark anyways, is to come up with a design that is professional, and will do the job the client needs it to do. If he doesn't like it, explain that there are plenty of hack shops around that will do whatever he wants to do - but if he want's a professional sign from a professional sign maker, then he'll need to modify his desires.