I was comparing a computer to a car because cars are FULL of microprocessors nowadays, I have a Mac upstairs here that is 8 years old & runs like it is new, (it is shut down at the moment)
If you turn your power off on your processor it stops working so it will be cool, it won't burn up from shutting down-LOL
If sleep mode requires electricity, then it costs money, I would be happy if someone handed me a 100 dollar bill at the end of the year just for shutting my system down every night
Yes, your processor stops working, but the proc is still hot when the power button is pressed. The heat doesn't instantly dissipate when the system is turned off.. With the fans stopping, there is no more air flow, allowing higher temperatures on the proc before it cools down. It's a theory.. In my opinion, I'd think that would put stress on the CPU (again, probably not neglegable, but I guess we're nitpicking..)
I never said the proc would "burn up" I just was pointing to the idea that there is more than likely more heat introduced to the proc when the system is shut off, rather than when the system is left on in a stable evironment.
As for cars running 24/7.. Who would even think about the computer problems in a car if left on all day?! I'd be more worried about the engine and other components that actually wear on a car. Most computer components fail due to electrical problems in the car, not because the car ran too long.. I don't get it...???

As for the $100.00 a year.. that's a very vague number. But.. IF @ $100.00 a year, that comes out to about $0.27 a day. I poop $0.27 a day.. Time is money.. for the extra 30-60 seconds boot saved PER bootup (assuming you boot your system once or twice a day..) Now, we usually boot up ONLY when needed.. So, you're waiting around for the system to boot. That's time and money..
But whatever. It's my opinion. I never stated I was a science major or anything else. Just an idea, just as you have. Sorry for hitting a nerve..