I believe almost anyone going to school, college, votech..... have no real ambition to do what they are training for, presently. They'll take whatever they can get, unless they are learning something important or valuable. A designer...... ?? Important..... ?? Hardly, so you get whatever falls out of the class at the end of the year.
That's for the students, where I also believe with all the a$$wipes getting into this trade/industry most are all self taught and can just barely get by and that's why you get the crummy files ya get. They come from crummy dummies.
There's no pride in this business or any other business.... today. No one seems to care and always passes the buck. That goes for the business owners and many many mechanics, technicians, designers and installers. Not everyone fits this mold, but it sure seems to be the vast majority in any trade.
The pattern makers are dying off and most people can only input things in hopes the software will do 99.9% of the work.