I don't know what to tell you. At some point you just have to start trying stuff. I bought the machine used when I was just starting out and it didn't come with a manual. Its pretty straight forward, just poke around until you find what you need. I can't remember the specifics, but in 5 minutes I had the box opened and performed a test cut, found it by just cycling through a few menus.
Don't be afraid to play with it, you can't really break it so try stuff. No one is going to be able to walk you through step by step on this because:
A) Its an old machine and few people are still using it.
B) Its an easy machine to use and most won't remember how to do things on it from memory as its self explanatory when your looking at it. What I mean to say is, that most people remember the minutia how to do things in interfaces that are quirky because it was a pain to figure out. No one remembers the steps on something simple because they don't have to.
These things are pretty diesel so the odds its not working at all are slim. Just try and cycle through all the menus and settings and you'll find th test cut function right quick.