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Does Signs 101 Seem a Little Faster?

Signs 101 move: Do things seem faster now?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 63.0%
  • No ... About the same as before

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • No ... It seems slower

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Signs 101 has now completed its move from a shared hosting site to a dedicated server. In addition, the latest release of the forum software provides for moving image attachments out of the database. This has been done and the actual database is about 20% of the size it was. As a final step, all tables and counters have been optimized.

So do things seem any faster?


New Member
Posting seems to post faster then the past. I have not uploaded anything to new server.

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
Freddo... what I've noticed is EVERY time I read a post and then click the browser Back button, I close out of Signs101 and am taken back to my Home Page.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Sounds like an operator problem Dave. Using the back button is not the recommended way of perusing a forum. Part of what the forum does for you is to mark off posts as read and to make your visit efficient. For whatever reason, your browser is not picking up your initial entry page here. I doubt it is the reason rests with the forum software. I would recommend using the various links such as Forum Jump, the signs101.com link at the bottom of each page, the Main Menu, or the Title Bar navigation buttons to navigate around and not use the Back button on your browser.

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
Oooookay!!! no prob. It just has NEVER happened before until now, but I couldn't see how forum software was involved either.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
And a Very Special Thank You to ...

Barry of PrintingDigital.net who is far more experienced at running a forum and dealing with server issues than I and was a huge help by volunteering to assist in moving the site.

Those among you who are producing digital prints, or thinking about it, should visit his excellent site and participate.


New Member
I would love to frequent the printing site you refered too. But, there are users with signatures using scripts that post my IP, ISP and other information. Those sigs report back to tracking sites and I really do not wish to be invloved with that type of tracking methods...



New Member
Techman said:
I would love to frequent the printing site you refered too. But, there are users with signatures using scripts that post my IP, ISP and other information. Those sigs report back to tracking sites and I really do not wish to be invloved with that type of tracking methods...


BTW, this has been fixed.. I think I got them all off the site, if not they will be gone as I see them...

Steve C.

New Member
Fred, I don't see much difference with my DSL connection at the office, but my home computer is still just Dial Up and it is much much slower now. Especialy after viewing a thread and going back to the Home Page.

Also I get this window everytime I change pages.


  • capturescripterror.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 205


New Member
Hi Fred, noticed an interesting thing about the board.

When there is a New Post the icon is orange. If you leave the board and then return without reading the “the New Post”, it turns blue which means “no new post”.

I was wondering if there is a setting for “Unread Post”?
That would seem to make more sense.

Just a thought.


Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Bradster941 said:
Hi Fred, noticed an interesting thing about the board.

When there is a New Post the icon is orange. If you leave the board and then return without reading the “the New Post”, it turns blue which means “no new post”.

I was wondering if there is a setting for “Unread Post”?
That would seem to make more sense.

Just a thought.


The forum software keeps track of what you've read based on an exposure to the thread. There are some settings to control the timespan of this but no settings have been changed in this regard. Is this something new since the move?

I don't know about the orange or blue. I tend to use the forum from the Active threads listing where they are bold if unread and normal if they have been read.


New Member
I voted yes but

But we now have high speed internet so this is not a real fair comparison. We did have to use dial a couple times while setting up and it did seem faster.