On top of SEO there are a bunch of other strategies to help promote your website. A lot of these should be easier to implement due to the nature of our business. The first would be to put your web address on everything: shirts, signs, your vehicles, biz cards, brochures, invoices, estimates, on your signature of email messages, hats, shirts…. Everything. On your answering machine, it could say:
”Thank you for calling Any Sign Company, We are out of the office………………..and check us out on the web at
www.anysigncompany.com for a full list of services and photo examples of our work” The same message can be said while a customer is on hold.
In fact, last year, when we updated our own logo we added a dot com at the end. So our logo is our web address. Basicaly every where you see our logo, you see our web address. It has seriously become a major part of our business. We are rebuilding our website as we speak, to implement the new identity. We are doubling the content and spending even more time on the SEO side, to make it even stronger.
I will say this, if you are a smaller company and you are shooting for 900 or more unique visits a day or 30 or more inquires a day, be prepared to implement some sort of system to respond to these inquiries, develop template messages for certain inquires because it will be extremely difficult to answer them all uniquely. It’s not very personal, but unless you want to spend all day responding to messages, rather then getting work done, I would recommend doing something like that.
I have also noticed that Dan sends out newsletter… I get them. This is another great way to promote your site, even if it only reaches those who have already been on his site. The goal here is to get people coming back. We developed a section of our site and another sign company’s site where customers login to see sketches of their job. The purpose of doing this, rather then just sending it via email, is to force the customer to visit your site where hopefully they will see other services that you offer, service that they might not have known you offer. We don’t do this with every sketch but when we are really trying sell more services to a certain company this is a strategies we like to use.
Okay, that’s enough info for one sitting.