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Dogs can be expensive!!

Tim Aucoin

New Member
For all of you dog lovers on here, please pray for our Harley! He is going in for surgery tomorrow morning. He has what is a fairly common dog knee injury... a Cruciate Ligament Rupture. Basically he's torn the tendons completely apart in his knee joint. This time it's his left knee. 3 years ago it was his right knee. Do ya know how flippin' expensive dog surgery is?? :omg: This is gonna run us in the $3500 range!!! Good thing we love our "kids"!!:rolleyes:

Oh well, I've always said that it's still cheaper than raising a couple kids!!



New Member
We just put our 3 mo old kitten down. The tests to see just what was wrong with him was just too expensive. The vet said he could not make it. Blood tests were $500.00, poison tests $300.00, lab fees, overnight stays in vet hospital $???????? It's crazy.


Premium Subscriber
Hope everything goes well for Harley.

Dogs are well known for bouncing back right after surgery, so your big problem is gonna be keeping him calm.

Do what they do for me when I get rambunctious..... :bushmill::bushmill::bushmill::bushmill::bushmill::bushmill: ...... two doggie treats and plenty of rest.


New Member
Thought I was going to be putting our cat of 5 years down yesterday. You don't realize how much they become part of your family until you have to make that decision. He couldn't keep food down, and I wasn't willing to do "exploratory surgery" and deal w/ the aftercare until he was better, paying for all of that. However, we were talking about $1,000 or so. Now, we did some meds, figured a couple other things out, and so far so good...he's still at home acting normal. We're hoping to get some more time with him, but I was willing to pay the $200 they did for their work.

However, they did an x-ray and blood tests for $110, so your costs must be higher for a different method or something.

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d fleming

New Member
Best of luck, I know how it is to love your dogs. I love my dobes. When we had our litter of 7 (7 months ago) the ear, tail and dewclaws plus shots was around $5,000. We kept three and had four close friends take the remaining. Everyone who comes in the shop loves to play with them and are dissappointed on days when they stay home!


New Member
oUCH!!!! Friggin expensive. But i do understand. My cat spent a weekend at the vets for a urinary track infection. Tests and medication cost me 600$. But i couldnt watch my little buddy go through the pain. He brings me to much hapiness in my house! ... Best of luck to your dog Tim!

Tim Aucoin

New Member
Thanks for all the well wishes... I'll pass them on to Harley! We bring him in tomorrow morning and pick him up after work... same vet that operated on his right leg 3 years ago, and he healed very well from that one, so this should be no problem! Just gotta keep his brother from licking his incision when he gets home! :smile:

:rolleyes::rolleyes: Bushmill & Corndogs! Harley is going to love you guys!!!


New Member
Too late now but look into doggy insurance.

My SIL has it for her two mutts and she is ahead of the curve being tha she has paid less in premimums than what the health care costs were.

Recently lost a good dog due to surgery costs I could not afford. I did the math. Insurance would have been well worth it.


New Member
Funny how everyone's priorities are so different. Hope he comes through okay. Last winter my Burmese python got pneumonia, about $700 later he's well again. South FL just opened hunting season on them. I personally hope I never have to choose between shooting a snake or a hunter, the choice would be easy for me.


New Member
ouch, poor guy.

i've dropped a grand on my dog in the last few weeks because of an eye infection and swollen lymph node. =\


New Member
Best wishes...Our Cane Corso Mastiff had the same rupture, one knee at a time. Ouch right...luckily my wife is a veterinary technician so we did get some price breaks!
What type of surgery is it TTA or TPLO? our dog had the TPLO and was like a new dog. My wife says that the TTA is the surgery she would reccomend for a large dog. An extracapsular repair is fine for a small dog.

Thing of it is that 1 year after the 2nd surgery our poor dog was diagnosed with cancer that was irreversible and we ended up having to put her down.

They sure do become part of your family to where you would do anything possible for them!
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Tim Aucoin

New Member
Thought I'd post a pic of my little guy!


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Tim Aucoin

New Member
Don't let his innocent looks fool ya! Here's him & his brother Diesel (on the right). Do these look like friendly dogs to you??!! They're killers!! :ROFLMAO:


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