I know when you joined, you were 20, so you have done this for at least 6 years..
but how long have you been doing this altogether?
You said in your introduction you were designing websites... in my opinion, this
site could look better, a lot better with better type selection and organized layout.
The "NOW OFFERING APPAREL" is really bad as well as the informational type selection.
One thing about your portfolio selection on the home page... it's my opinion that it
should be your absolute best work. Some of the sign work you have on that slideshow
should never see the light of day. I know not every sign needs to be a work of art and
maybe show stock signs on a separate portfolio link, but some of that is a well made sign
with bad layout and may not reflect the quality design/sign you may be capable of...
I think it needs some more work... I would research websites that have a look that you
want, that navigate well and get some inspiration...