well my 4450 saga continues.
its been 2 weeks and nothing has leaked at the carts - the lines havn't swollen and popped
the dampers and manifold are good.
had the maintenance staion in and out 35 times
had the head off 25 times.
you cannot fit the 4 by 2mm solvent lines directly to the head capping and run them through the pump, the pump works BUT due to the tubeing being MUCH MORE rigid than the little black rubber pipes that come from the cap, the cap top spring isn't strong enough to hold it down, so the head has worn away one of the caps I bought
-so I refitted the stock lines, there is a clock arrow on the pump - I don't know where its supposed to go - i didn't think it matters?
I think the main drive has a timing mark to the outer gear set and the carriage up and down
anyways my problem is the head won't sit on the cap and suck, which was the original problem - i think the head won't move down onto the cap?
I think i have broken the printer, or the head position is wrong - in as much as the belt position and motor, to carriage position and encoder - I don't know, its quite frustrating.