... The new vendor supplies Mega Ink, Bordeaux, LIquecolor and they all say they can be mixed and matched with OEM Inks. What are your guys's thoughts?
I would be VERY careful with anybody saying 3rd party inks can be mixed and matched (presumably without creating new profiles).
I used bulk inks in my Pro 3, and we got things going well enough a couple weeks after the swap. I can tell you, though, running a 3rd party system wasn't as smooth as running the OEM inks. That's not to say you shouldn't do it, or that it won't be worth it, or that it's going to be a nightmare; that said, it won't be as easy.
My biggest issues were keeping the gravity fed reservoirs feeding ink to the heads consistently. For a while, until I'd nailed this down, I was using a LOT more ink than originally either through cleanings to head starvation or wrecked prints from nozzle droplets. Unfortunately, I had to do this testing myself, using our purchased ink, rather than having our sales guy support us as much as I'd have liked.
Sure, after we got it figured out we broke even, and over time, even got ahead, but it was a hassle for a while. We had color shifts (I remember raising an eyebrow to the salesman when he said I wouldn't

, but I've made my own profiles for years, and color matched all sorts of devices to each other, so that was minor for me.
As a self-styled color guy, though, I'd give you a few recommendations.
-Re-profile any materials where color response is vital after the swap.
-Think about your current existing customers that re-order color specific items (logos, etc) and print fresh samples using your current setup, and again after the swap, to compare a before and after.
-Make SURE the company helping you with the transition is on top of things, informed, and could read something like my comments above without getting all uppity - or better yet, have suggestions to deal with them.
-Whoever your new supplier is, make sure they're awesome - both in support and responsiveness.
In my experience, this is how bulk ink swaps go, and while it was totally worth it, it's not always the breeze they make it sound. 3rd party ink (especially bulk systems) are an AWESOME way to save money, but to get to that point, you have to do it right, and you should be prepared for a short term loss (time, ink, downtime, and/or color response).