Italian translation to english is one of the tougher ones.... The question does not make sense as stated. My guess is he is looking for a source for heads though. Also a very tough thing for him, Italy customs and shipping in our out of Italy is generally a very painful process. Need to try rephrasing it in another way before running it through a translator. I usually just use Google Translate.
Below is all this as Google translates it to Italian, then the resulting Italian back to English.
Traduzione italiana a inglese è uno di quelli più difficili .... La domanda non ha senso, come indicato. Hai bisogno di provare riformulare in un altro modo prima di eseguirlo attraverso un interprete. Io di solito basta usare Google Translate.
Di seguito è riportato tutto questo come Google si traduce in italiano, poi la parte posteriore risulta Italiano a Inglese.
Italian translation in English is one of the most difficult .... The question makes no sense, as indicated. You need to try to reformulate it in another way before you run it through an interpreter. I usually just use Google Translate.
Below is all of this as Google translates in Italian, then the back is Italian to English.