First thanks for the kudos all that mentioned. Insignia, PS Xpress Graphics, John, LarryB, Colorado. I appreciate all you do for us and how you value (here is the key word..VALUE) a product and how it relates to your business. We are very proud of what we have developed and look forward to making it better by listening to what you, the user base, want. (Don't worry Mike I promise you will see the drag and drop board like the install board for production/design)
You'd be surprised. $129 is a very very very small price to pay for what this program does. $1500 per year is not that much. It eliminated a $25k/yr. AR/bookkeeping person for us, and I'd estimate it saves just me alone 15-20 hours a month not having to babysit the shop or chase down orders like we used to, not to mention everyone else here. And believe me, our previous system was dialed in and ran like a well oiled machine (we used an estimating program, job board, detailed work orders/job packets, and Quickbooks).
Just saying, people really need to look past the cash outlay every month (Colorado is right, it's 1 banner a month anyway) and consider what that $129 buys you. I guarantee you can't run your shop like a well oiled machine from an iPad while you're sitting on the beach in the Bahamas drinking a margarita with your current system... To me that alone is worth $1500/yr.
Do one of Signvox's free webinars to see what it's all about. It's worth it!!
Wow in this scenario $129/mo sounds like a steal.
Look at it his way. You can only cut cost's so much. Can you cut enough to an extra $129/mo or sell one more small banner to pay for it? I'm sure you could but in all reality with everything thing you add/do to your business what is the upside. With signVOX the upside over spending $129/mo is great as stated by Insignia. Return on investment. That is what it is all about.
Okay - First off. I know SignVOX is a merchant member here. I know a lot of you use this system. But, John, I'd have to disagree with you in saying that there must be something wrong with you to not like this system. (Maybe cause I'd like to think there is nothing wrong with me??? Maybe.) I haven't said anything previous, but we tried SignVOX here - and the basis for the software is great. IT DOES HAVE IT'S QUIRKS THOUGH!
That being said - I didn't dislike it so much that I will never look to it again in the future for a possible solution. It just seems to me like the software is in it's ultra-infancy. Currently an excellent Beta build, but far from version 1 in my opinion. And right now...I'll just come out and say it....It's too expensive for all of the things that still need to get worked out.
Now I know that many will more than likely slice me open on this one - and so be it...But I have a difficult time paying 100% prices for 75% of a software package. I felt like I was paying to be a beta tester and note taker. (Sorry, Kevin - nothing personal here....)
This is a creative industry - and I feel that there are things in there that should be much, much more customization in certain areas. I have talked with Kevin about it - and he said they are working on it...Which I totally believe...But for reasons like this, I say, it is only partially complete.
So. If you're in the market - check it out - It does do what it says. It manages customers, gives quotes, sets reminders, etc, etc, etc, etc.
But, IMO, I think there is a lot of room for improvement (AS WITH ANY SOFTWARE) - but there are some things that were very frustrating for us.
Chad - speak your mind. It is a free world. Just because we are a merchant member here doesn't exclude us from being criticized. (unless it is in the rule book some where and we pay for that that case bite your tongue..jkidding)
In regards to your comments...fair enough. You are entitled to your opinion and I don't take it personally.
However, I disagree that it's a beta version or even remotely close to one. Here are a few stats to say otherwise.
230 Users.
Invoices 96457 Invoiced Dollars $50,683,374.78
Quotes 60392 Quoted Dollars $212,436,083.07
WIP 10151 WIP Dollars $15,601,260.48
Purchase Orders 6206 PO Dollars $2,340,280.13
Proofs Sent 83685 Documents Sent 140217
Customers 694302 Vendors 12066
Customer Logins 25741 (who logged in to see the proofs)
It is far from a beta
Yes there are a few quirks, but is it a quirk or is it just a method to our madness. Remember we are not building custom software, we are offering a software package that performs a certain way. Here are a few of the quirks you might be referring to. If I miss any please let me know as I'd like to give you feedback as well as enlighten everyone else that may be interested in signVOX. As far as I know here were your sticking points.
1. Custom invoices, work orders, quotes etc.
There is only one template at the moment. It is not a customized feature. Will we one day provide that as a feature or offer more options? The answer is day. Not really a quirk...just not an option.
Yes we are in a creative industry and I am a huge proponent of branding. However I am a bigger proponent of a quality product, customer service and efficient business processes. I've seen your work, it is awesome and I'm pretty sure you provide excellent customer service. Your invoice in our template with your logo will never hinder that.
However, your opinion is important to you and I respect that.
2. Email sent to review proof
You did not like the email that simply contains a link to view their proof online looked. Okay. However, No one is complaining on how it works. We are actually getting feedback from your customers (via our users not directly) saying how cool it is. Remember they are just getting a link, it still has your signature built in for your brand and they click to view their proof online which is a file you create. Make it as brand oriented as you want.
Again you are entitled to our opinions.
3. Jobs in the personal dashboard
This was a bug. It was fixed 3 days after you left. Your dashboard now shows your job responsibilities in terms of the jobs due not just jobs you created.
4. Notes written on proof review page
This again was a bug. It now shows whatever you type in regards to the proof you are sending on the proof review page. Again fixed 3 days after you left.
5. Typos.
Personally..I think this is the one that sealed the deal. What can I say other than you are right. There were some. Yes they are unprofessional and when we see them or they are pointed out we change them. I wan't to say they are all taken care of. And if we missed them (there is no spell checker for this by the way) all you have to do is point it out to us so we can fix it. We are human after all.
They reason I said keep notes on features you'd like to add or notice is because unless someone points it out, it takes longer to make the changes or we just don't know; regardless of testing. This includes what makes sense to you as a user. We want the experience to be great and if you don't tell us why would we change it? Personally I thought I was giving direct access to help mold a tool that you used for your business not a chore.
Since you've left here is what we've added.
1. Install board
2. Material Requisition
3. Attachments to any email
4. Payments applied to any open invoice (instead of payments one at a time on the specific invoice.
5. Static IP access
6. Shopping cart integration
And here are the things that are right around the corner:
1. wrapVOX (so freakin awesome)
2. Alerts (30+ on screen notifications that keep you in the know..quote expiring, task created..etc etc)
3. RFQ/Vendor network (making it easier for both parties in the outsource realm)
However, all of this goes back to value. In the week you used it you did not see it. You focused on what it can't do rather than what it can do. No problem. We are under no assumptions that this will be for everyone.
However I love seeing the feedback. Either in a passionate way like John (yes he could have phrased it better...but understand our system is changing his business for the who can blame him
or in regards to your review. We don't know what we don't know and respect feedback in any light. However you have to be open as well to our point of view and processes.
I don't think anyone is going to flame you for posting your honest review.
Can you elaborate a bit on what was frustrating for you or what made you think that the program still needs a lot of work? I've been wanting to implement SignVox for a couple of months now and I've yet to hear a single complaint (of course besides the price tag - which is a non-issue in my opinion).
If you prefer to send me a PM that's fine.
Please see above.
I dont understand why estimating software companies are charging monthly fees. In reality you technically never own the software but are paying a usage fee. Also, I dont want my POS system online, its more accessible to viruses, hackers, and any malicious attacks.
By the way Kevin nice upgrade to the site
Actually you are more prone to attacks on a desktop than a cloud based application.
As far as the website.. Enlighten me. Am I missing something?
Really its not the price tag. Its I just do not get it. Nothing said about this is any different than I am currently able to do. Maybe I had my setup done well for me but all this you mentioned is available in QB also and is all right there. I can do all this in the same time and not have to export it.
Only thing I cannot do is track jobs on my pc and really I don't want to. That is all done via packet. Im still stuck using these from my old JobBoss days and liked it so I implemented it into my workflow. I could not imaging walking thru the shop and not having job packets. Much less having to update software manually with job status and progression. I see no logical reason to have that information within my database during production other than the ability to sit on a beach and get a progress report. (Sorry had to bring in the beach somewhere)
As I stated previously I need to see it first hand.
The beach is a metaphor for anywhere. If it is at the beach more power to you.
In all honestly you can not see the value in anything unless you take the time to render the possibilities. You have no idea if it will improve anything or add value. You are assuming it can't. Not a fair assessment.
You keep saying your sorry John, why. You bought what you wanted, no need to justify it by convincing everyone else to do the same.
It looks like it is useful, just not for everyone. Why so hard to understand?
Yes everyone's value and sticking points are different. It is what makes the world go round.