Yeah, almost everyday, but then I remember........ I wanna eat and so does my family and others depending on me.
Ya might wanna stop feeling sorry for yourself and just keep your nose to the grindstone. Coming in a backdoor like you did is always gonna be harder than someone coming up through the ranks learning a trade as they go. I'd like to take people's liver and gallbladders out and do transplants, but I can't find a place to start. Any pointers on that ??
I wanted to give up many times but I didn't. Don't feel sorry for yourself, just keep moving forward. Everyone makes mistakes it's just that now, they come out of your pocket. You were not perfect at your last job and you will not be perfect owning your own business. Sometimes I make several mistakes in a week then I go several weeks with none. It's just the way it is and you will make less mistakes as time goes on. Try to calm your anxiety by being as organized as possible. Give yourself enough time to complete jobs. Prioritize your larger jobs before the small "I need a decal for my bicycle".
See - you have a lot of people rooting for you and some tough love too. Just don't let Gino talk you into selling your liver before you talk to me first.
They are just signs. If you came on here saying you were a plastic surgeon who continually removed incorrect limbs...I might say it's time to hang it up LOL Again, it's just signs and don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you are doing a fine job!Hi Stacey, thanks for your advice, much appreciated. I guess I should try also not to take things as much to heart when they go wrong as well. Thank you.
They are just signs. If you came on here saying you were a plastic surgeon who continually removed incorrect limbs...I might say it's time to hang it up LOL Again, it's just signs and don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you are doing a fine job!
They are just signs. If you came on here saying you were a plastic surgeon who continually removed incorrect limbs...I might say it's time to hang it up LOL Again, it's just signs and don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you are doing a fine job!
Oh Gino, always the funny guy! As far as the liver transplant thing, I'm pretty sure they have weekend classes in Mexico to get your license. "One Stop Shop, Signs and Livers!"See, that's why I went for the liver. Ya can't see it if ya mess up, but it's needed. Gallbladder, not so much. Signs, you can see them, I believe that's the whole point behind them. The 'Silent Salesperson' visible 24/7 sun, rain or snow.
Oh Gino, always the funny guy! As far as the liver transplant thing, I'm pretty sure they have weekend classes in Mexico to get your license. "One Stop Shop, Signs and Livers!"
Might be, but isn't it a little tough going into mexico these days ?? I mean it seems like one-way traffic just coming IN from mexico. Maybe canada has some classes. With their insurance plans up there, I'm sure they must offer some discounted programs......................![]()
See post #21All this talk about liver removals...does this have something to do with the sign industry driving one to drink heavily and weep quietly into their pillow each night? Just wondering.
All this talk about liver removals...does this have something to do with the sign industry driving one to drink heavily and weep quietly into their pillow each night? Just wondering.
Nope. Back around #15, I posted that I wanted to learn how to remove livers and gallbladders, but can't find a forum on how to do it and it becomes very frustrating at times. All I can do is experiment on people I pay like 10 bucks. So far, nobody's made it through. Cripes, nobody gets past the preparation without konking out. .The utubes on it are absolutley useless, so that's no help. I might change my dream and look into removing lungs, especially old smoke-filled ones. It's not a pretty site, but someone hasta do it, huh ??
Get you a cheap roll of vinyl and lamination to print fun jobs for family & friends after hours, no pressure, no deadline, no stress.... Ohh yeah, get a six pack of beers too, trying to figure out what you're doing wrong never works while under stress (at least for me).
Edited to add; did I see somewhere you said you were Irish? If so, maybe get a twelve pack(just joking)
Ever feel like giving up before you really got started?
Only on Mondays.
Good thing at your young age you have tons of time to make really bad decisions over and over again before time runs out.
Keep hitting it until something breaks - if it is you - rub some dirt on it and go at it again.