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Falsely accused of copying design

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Making America great, one sign at a time.

dude, i have some astute observations.
1. if you can't see the tracing lining up over that dog pic as well as i do,

2.Your fiance is like my Ex wife.
very convincing at not telling the truth.

the only difference is, i am way ahead of you right now in the eyesight department.


New Member
We've already determined their photo came from Instagram, but she is not following that person and has never liked any of their photos. It seems pointless to even try to prove she didn't trace it because it is so similar. Which is so frustrating since we have NEVER seen the picture before today and KNOW we did NOT trace it. I've attached a screenshot, of the in progress file she had before I told her to crop the ears. Without the glasses and bowtie, it is just another pitbull.

We did offer some free shirts and to donate the 20% of every sale to her charity/rescue of choice, but even doing that made me feel like we were admitting fault.

If we were in the wrong, we would have just removed the design without a fight and there would be no point of me making this thread. But when you are accused of something you KNOW you didn't do, you put up a fight. Then you realize the whole day has gone by, you haven't gotten any work done, haven't eaten anything and you are consumed with trying to prove it wasn't traced. It just isn't worth it, so back to work to try and salvage today. :banghead:

I believe you. I'll even buy a tee shirt from you if you send me a link.

And DUH, Pit Bulls (like every other breed) all look the same. That is the whole point of breeding.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Before I saw your site, I was leaning on that being derivative work.

But most of the dogs on your site have glasses, bow ties, even hats...

By the way, really cool designs I may have to get the chihuahua tee.

I think most dog owners are passionate about their dogs, especially
when they pass. Even though you know deep in your gut that it's original
work. It would be a nice gesture to take it down, redesign one better
and not worry about it.

It think in a lawsuit, you would probably lose, but the owner of the photo
could have your site taken down. I think it's your best interest to move on.

Speaking of doggy infringement...


New Member
Okay, I'll step in your shoes and admit that the photo does look like a forgery of your drawing. It's amazing what you can do in photoshop.


New Member
dude, i have some astute observations.
1. if you can't see the tracing lining up over that dog pic as well as i do,

2.Your fiance is like my Ex wife.
very convincing at not telling the truth.

the only difference is, i am way ahead of you right now in the eyesight department.

Not all women are crazy. What does she have to gain from lying? I saw the entire process of her designing the illustration because it was my concept and I was giving input the entire time. I can see how the design lines up over the pic, we are still dumbfounded on how similar the two are and seriously cannot believe how much it matches up.

I believe you. I'll even buy a tee shirt from you if you send me a link.

And DUH, Pit Bulls (like every other breed) all look the same. That is the whole point of breeding.

We've got a sale right now, but 1 get 49 free lol.

I think your men's tee shirt sizing chart is backwards.

Yup, it's been on our to do list. Thanks for the reminder.


Active Member
Wow! There are now three things you can't discuss in mixed company in America, religion, politics and poor, little precious, innocent, unfairly maligned pitbulls.

In addition to my 34 years in this craft, I once did a 8 month stint as a 911 operator in my town. Easily, the overwhelming dog bites, maulings, attacks on livestock, etc.. were perpetrated by pitbulls and pitbull derivatives.

The stereotype exists because of the frequency and broad distribution of similar violent and unpredictable events involving said breed. If anyone here or anywhere else thinks insurance companies, municipalities, landlords, etc. put restrictions or bans on this breed out of some unfounded biases, then I've got a free mauling for you.

Insurance companies work on one principle, risk equals lower profits. When a particular risk like more frequent hurricanes in Florida occurs, homeowners insurance goes through the roof or becomes unavailable.

Governments who enforce animal control policy work on the same principle. When one type of animal shows itself to be involved in liability increasing behaviors more than others, it gets higher scrutiny and regulation. Nobody questions it when some town bans tigers or other exotic animals with a propensity for attacking humans is passed.


New Member
What most people don't do when attacked by a pit bull is wrestle them. When a 5 year old is getting his/her faces bit off he/she doesn't put the pitbull in an arm lock, then do a full Nelson followed by a body slam. They just stand there and let the dog eat their face.


Active Member
copied for sure. whichever direction it may be....and who cares? they own no rights to the design, and the dog owns no rights to his own likeness. ...i have a childhood photo of myself flying off my bed with a nerfball in-hand, reaching for the hoop above my doorway AND MichaelJordan has the nerve to copy MY move & make millions off of it?!? ...don't get me started. Him and I don't even talk anymore.

that being said, you should still try to change it up a bit more and/or smooth things over with your accusor, in less words the better, and be the bigger man.

***on to the topic of Pitbulls...
dogs & humans alike, behavior is not entirely instinctual ....it is a direct result of what was learned by upbringing/parenting.

I've had my arm in the mouth of a few pitbulls, playfully gnawing-away, and none of them belonged to me. BUT I trusted their owners with my life, because they were worthy of that trust & knowledge that they raised the dog to be without the aggressive temperament over food/territory.

any dog can be trained to kill, just as any dog can be raised to have no desire to fight at all. same with humans.
if you can't raise em right, you should be held equally accountable for their actions. same should be true for humans across the board.
fear of severe punishment for the actions of their children/dogs, would lead to better parenting/upbringing ...but no, lets just blame television/videogames/breeds of dogs and paying baby-machines $500/month/child to let their degenerative children roam the streets... ok, now i'm waaaay off-topic.


New Member
Are you nuts?

You traced the picture that's obvious.

All Pitbulls should be destroyed

I think you are NUTS and you should be destroyed!
I'm pretty sure it all comes down to the owner not dog. I bet your one of these people that thinks spoons make people fat.
I'm pretty sure my family is safe and my dogs are lovers. All my dogs are rescues two from the local pound and one was found in a parking lot a few days old.
Feel free to trace my photos just send me a copy and a shirt. When I get home I'll have the old lady order a shirt off your site.


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  • Baja.jpg
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New Member
Was reading a discussion here a while back and Fred included a link to a photography group copyright piece that explained what was and was not ok... Seem to remember.. perhaps wrongly.. that making a drawing of a picture was ok...

However, with that said.... I think I might offer to send the proceeds from the final shirts to the person who claims the rights with a letter explaining that you had received the design from someone else and will discontinue using it. Change the design..... and move on..


Quit buggin' me
Just Google some other "pit bull+bowtie" and redo it......

wayne k
guam usa


  • pitbull-w-bowtie.jpg
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Active Member
There was a recent case in Santa Fe, NM where an older man was mauled, killed and partially consumed by his son's pitbulls. These attacks are not just on children or those unable to put up at least a little defense. I'm not defending the shrill attack and ignorant comment of an other poster, just pointing out that where there's smoke, there's usually a fire.

In fact, my dog probably has a little pit in her and she is the sweetest thing on earth. That probably has more to do with her upbringing, the love in the household and the Black Labrador genes being predominant in her makeup.


Just another guy
I know this has gotten a little off topic, but wanted to post this to clarify.
[h=3]Study highlights[/h]The combination of molosser breeds, including pit bulls, curs, rottweilers, presa canarios, cane corsos, mastiffs, dogo argentinos, fila brasieros, sharpeis, boxers, and their mixes, inflict:

  • 81% of attacks that induce bodily harm
  • 76% of attacks to children
  • 87% of attack to adults
  • 72% of attacks that result in fatalities
  • 81% that result in maiming
  • Embody 9.2%+ of the total dog population
[h=4]Discussion notes:[/h]
  • Even if the pit bull category was "split four ways," attacks by pit bulls and their closest relatives would still outnumber attacks by any other breed.
  • Pit bulls are noteworthy for attacking adults almost as frequently as children. This is a very rare pattern, only seen elsewhere in the bullmastiff/presa canario line.
  • If a pit bull or rottweiler has a bad moment, instead of being bitten, often someone is maimed or killed; that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk.
BreedBodily harmChild VictimsAdult VictimsDeathsMaimings% of total dog population
Pit bull27921114104726316776.0%
Wolf hybrid857051949
Bullmastiff (Presa canario)10542391561.02%
German shepherd102633015632.1%
Pit bull-mix191754512102
German shepherd-mix432812728

1982-2013 chart
*Chart ordered by number of deaths; includes only a portion of breeds listed in report.
Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to December 31, 2013, by Merritt Clifton,Animal People, December 31, 2013.
  1. This report is ongoing. New attacks are recorded as they occur. Older reports showing fewer attacks include: 2012, 2011,2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007.



New Member
GEEZ IM CONFUSED I think I missed the ending so did he do it or not :omg:

Why cant I like any comments I'm going to miss that.:noway:

My dog for sure has some pit. With humans and dog etc etc. Its raised well it does well ,JMO


New Member
I have known some really great pitbull dogs, I've also known two that were the sweetest thing ever until they mauled. 8 years, same responsible owner and bam. They are very powerful animals. There are some good statistics on www.dogsbite.org and some myths dispelled. I'm not completely against them but just like any potentially lethal thing I think that certain precautions should be required of owners.
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