It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I don't see how your story proves your theory. To me it shows no one with talent was going to work for free to win a design contest.
Just backwards and thanks for being the straight man in this discussion.
I was not attempting to prove anything, a futile endeavor anyway since no hypothesis is capable of proof, only of confirmation. Big difference.Contrariwise, an hypothesis is capable of disproof. In fact, if an hypothesis is stated such that disproof is impossible, then it's not an hypothesis at all, merely a tautology.
The hypothesis that I was addressing was being generally put forth as someone with abilities in fine art would also have, to a greater or lesser degree, possess abilities in graphic art. All it takes to completely and irrevocably disprove an hypothesis is a single, as in one, counter-example. Which I have provided. Which disproves the above stated hypothesis.