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Fine banding


New Member
True. In the color adjustment area you can also add C, add K, and reduce M to take the pink tint out of the "preserve primary colors" Off print. That'll solve the banding issue as well.


New Member
True. In the color adjustment area you can also add C, add K, and reduce M to take the pink tint out of the "preserve primary colors" Off print. That'll solve the banding issue as well.

Hmm, ya that might the ticket, as I tried the feed adjustment but it didn't work 100%.

How much C & K should I add, and how much do I reduce M?


New Member
C+5, K+2, M-2, Y-0

Try that and see what happens. Whatever you do, keep in mind this is just a bandaid. Your profiles are off and should be fixed.


New Member
Yikes! Very green.

Also, I am using Interpolation: Bi-Cubic, and "Perceptual" for Raster Matching Method, is that the best choice?


New Member
Seems like this has provided the best gray:

C +1
M -2
Y 0
K +2

Thanks so much for the help; and thanks Bly for that good point you made.

cdiesel, you mentioned about the profiles; I tried using numerous different media types earlier (and before adjusting the CMYK values), and it seemed that no matter what, I got the same pinkish hue. So what do you recommend for profile changes?

Sticky Signs

New Member
Don't believe em!
Every once in a while I get a job that has to be awesome err, I mean absolutely perfect. I run this jobs in uni. Takes a little longer but not as long as printing it twice.


New Member
We always print in bi-di on the Rolands unless it is VERY small text.

Many of the canned Roland profiles gave a pink tint for us. The color adjustment sliders work well for tweaking colors. If it's pink, add cyan/remove magenta. If it's green, add magenta/remove cyan. Many colors that are supposed to print blue also print very purple with the stock profiles. We've never built our own profiles (we own an I-1, but could never get it to work correctly), but have learned to compensate in other ways. The HPs on the other hand, running Onyx, print beautifully out of the box.


New Member
Thanks. I did that 24"x42" print again, thinking that the C +1 / M -2 / Y 0 / K +2 recipe was ok from the small clip section I did, but it turned out to be too green. Pulling my hair out in the shop still (10:00 pm).

But hey, at least the fine banding is gone now that it's not a grayscale file and PPC unchecked!

I just did a bunch of test prints starting with one of my colour photos:

Saved a set of 3 as "greyscale" in PS (Image > Mode > Grayscale) after turning them to B&W using 3 different B&W transformation methods. All using "Bi-Cubic" in PS.

Then did the same set as RGB B&W (not turning them to grayscale).

Then brought the grayscale ones into Illy and made a separate set again with Roland BK22A applied, and exported as EPS. *Note: Only the ones that were turned to grayscale would accept a Roland Palette color in Illy; the others wouldn't. Not sure why.

So 9 different versions all together. And then printed all 9 with "Preserve Primary Colors" unchecked, and a set with it checked. (They were downsized in VW to 3.5"x5" so not too much ink & vinyl wasted.

All were printed using MCVP: "Matte Calendered Vinyl (ESM)" profile; High Quality (1440x720); Interpolation: Bi-Cubic; Sign&Display w/ Raster matching method of "Perceptual".

Will look at them after posting this.

*Post edited - hit F5


New Member
Which one? The one I was originally having the fine banding with, or the other one I just did a bunch of small test prints with?


New Member
The original. I want to 1: analyze the colors in the image preprint and 2: print a sample on my Roland.
I'll have to run it when I'm in tomorrow haha.


New Member
I'll have to email it to you. The original colour file is 5.9 MB, and the B&W I made is 3.2 MB. Do you want both?


New Member
Hey, check out the missing dash. Doesn't that suggest a plugged nozzle?


  • Nozzle.jpg
    260.6 KB · Views: 87

Sticky Signs

New Member
I wouldn't worry about that to much. You could probably have bout 10 - 20 of those out before noticing any problems.
Do you ever buy anything from All Graphics? They make wicked colour profiles for all the materials they carry and they give em to you for free - as long as you buy stuff from them on a regular basis.


New Member
I wouldn't worry about that to much. You could probably have bout 10 - 20 of those out before noticing any problems.

But I guess I'm wondering if that is causing the super-fine banding I've shown when printing with the K channel only. Yes, the CMY will mask it if they're involved in a B&W print, but the K-only is revealing.

Do you ever buy anything from All Graphics? They make wicked colour profiles for all the materials they carry and they give em to you for free - as long as you buy stuff from them on a regular basis.

Yes, this particular issue I'm having is on their Rite Media Matte paper (but it occurs with other media like vinyl too if printing K-only), and the profile supplied from them. Are you suggesting that they make these profiles themselves, or does it come from Rite Media?