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Fine Black streaks on images whilst using a Roland SP540i


New Member


Attached are images which show the problem i am having. I have replaced the black print head and the problem remains. I have been advised that the carriage board and/or the main board may be the cause. I am not so sure. Any advice would be appreciated. Jon.


New Member
It could be either of those, or the short head cables or the long ones from the carriage board to mainboard. It looks like a bad connection just on one small part of the head to give very thin lines like that

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Clean your black printhead. Look closely - with a flashlight- for any fibers hanging off of it


New Member
Clean your black printhead. Look closely - with a flashlight- for any fibers hanging off of it
That was my first thought. The printhead was replaced and the error remains. Therefore something else is affecting the print quality. All suggestions gratefully appreciated.


New Member
Hi, have you tried to clean the encoder strip and his sensor ?
I recently had a problem of magenta around the print and cleaning the encoder strip fix it.
I though encoder strip problem would always affect all colors but in fact it can affect only one too...