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fire dept wouldn't put the fire out...


New Member
Kinda got to look at it the other side of the table. Most of us pay taxes and some of that does go to our fire department/ equipment, service etc.

What if the town next to you didn't have a fire department, and your fire department offered their services of $75, which is reasonable, since they are not getting any tax money from those residents cause it is all going toward their township.

So then you have a freeloader that declined that service of $75 and then caught his own house down while burning debris in a burn barrel which later got out of control and 2 hours could not stop it and it reached the house. Sounds like he was too cheap to own a fire extinguisher as well.


New Member
How can people really expect to be able to refuse (to pay for) a service up front, and then expect the service provider to take care of them when they are in need? That makes absolutely NO sense.

The $75 a year is cheap insurance. I can't believe that the insurance company doesn't require the homeowner to have fire coverage, but that's on the insurance company.

Let's say he didn't have homeowner's insurance. Do you guys think he should be able to call Allstate tomorrow and say "I'll pay whatever it costs" and get some retroactive insurance?


New Member
Let's say he didn't have homeowner's insurance. Do you guys think he should be able to call Allstate tomorrow and say "I'll pay whatever it costs" and get some retroactive insurance?

i like the way you think, my thought exactly... i was trying to come up with a comparison in my post above yours and you freaking just nailed it there.

the services were offered to him, he choose to be a freeloader, not pay, and just expect service to a fire cause they are firefighters, he made that point. If the fire department was in his township, covered under his taxes, i'm sure there wouldn't have been a problem, but that's not the scenario. He made the risk. He had the option. He made the decision.

Great post btw.


New Member
I wonder how many people there are canceling their memberships in hopes that a fire burns down their house and they get a fat check from the insurance company...lol. J/k...

He should have paid the membership dues to the ol' please put out the fire before my life goes up in smoke. Money makes the world go around and also puts out fires..lol.

Did his neighbors have the deal with the fire department? If so, did they stand guard just in case the fire breached their property line? lol...

But what happens when a family member is still inside or even the Miami Dolphins Special Team Coach (Who I Hope If Fired After Tonight's Game!)?

I am really torn on this one. Both sides have great points...:banghead:


New Member
Many of us pay for medical insurance many do not... We all expect to be taken care of at the ER when it is needed.

Many of us pay taxes many do not... We all expect emergency services like Fire and Police when needed.

I pay my taxes and if the house next door is burning I want it put out ASAP so mine doesn't catch and burn.

If a city has to service the emergency needs of an unincorporated adjacent area then the unincorporated county should be billed for the services and those funds paid by the taxes of of the residents of that county.

The thought of a governmental agency giving residents optional fire protection smacks of the MOB selling protection insurance. Taxes are mandatory Everywhere and they pay for the protection of everyone... Equally!

For those that don't pay their taxes... We all know the taxing authority will sell their property for the back taxes! Unlike those who don't buy Medical insurance!!!


New Member
This is how it used to be. You paid a private fire station a fee each year, they put up a plaque on your house. No plaque and they would just watch it burn. I guess Fire Brigades that were late or did a bad job lost customers and went out of business just like any other company.

I don't see what the fuss is about. It's the true American way. Let the weak and the poor suffer, I'm okay.

I remember seeing those Brass plaques in a fire brigade museum as a kid.... talk about a trip down memory lane. I thought the "pay to extinguish" model of fire fighting died with Queen Victoria but clearly Dickensian values are still very much alive and kicking out in the colonies :)

If anything we've gone the other way.... if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a car crash, have your house catch fire or suffer a medical emergency you'll be swamped with emergency service personnel and all their kit..... paramedics, emergency doctors, helicopters, fire engines. We appear to use the "kitchen sink" method these days.... if in doubt send everything out to attend.... and quite right to.


New Member
How could a group of fire fighters watch another human beings house burn to the ground over $75? If I watched your house burn down while I was sitting in my firetruck I would never be able to sleep at night again from guilt. Do unto others......

A simple policy would be, and I repeat, "Charge the ones who don't pay the $75 fee for the cost of the service to put their fire out." That way people who don't pay the fee would learn how much it would cost them if they gamble. Hardly rocket science.


New Member
Another thing.... where I live the $75 fee comes out of your property taxes. Genius.... or common sense?


New Member
seems like this is a throw back to the old system of fire marks on buildings to show who had paid for their fire protection.


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New Member
That is just dumb, regardless of the homeowners stupidity they should have put the fire out. We still clothe and feed the poor in America don't we? I'm almost positive that family will now cost the city way more than $75.00.

Deaton Design

New Member
Showing up and watching it burn was just a slap in the face. Yeah, the guy should have paid his fee, but no way would I let the mans house burn. No way.


New Member
Showing up and watching it burn was just a slap in the face. Yeah, the guy should have paid his fee, but no way would I let the mans house burn. No way.
Totally agree. They cost the city the full amount for the call by showing up and sitting there (minus the cost of the water they didn't pump onto the fire.) Idiots. Correction....pricks. I couldn't have watched the guys house burn. I'm glad the kid beat the crap out of the fire chief. Good for him!


New Member
I do not think there would be any way to charge folks after the fact......If the fire department arrived at a fire and the owner agreed to pay, he could later argue that the agreement was made under "duress" and it could be ruled invalid.....


New Member
We have become a country that is selfish to our own people, yet we give billions to the rest of the world whenever there's a disaster or war. When did it become politically correct to disregard our own first?

The reason for letting the house burn may have been clear with regard to paying the $75 bucks, but what has become of our humanity?


New Member
To refuse to put a fire out is plain heartless.

The way I see it, there should be a 10,000$ (fill in the number) fee for a one time fire call for those who fail to pay the fire tax. Once the fire is out the city could lien the property if the homeowner refused to pay.

Hope his homeowners policy pays. They may not be too happy about his failure to pay the 75$ fire tax.


Premium Subscriber
I don't think there is a person on this board or across America or even the world for that fact, that doesn't have a place in their heart for this guy's stupidity backfiring on him, but he made a choice. How many years has he not paid and has taken advantage for saving his money ?? Could he afford it ?? Maybe, maybe not, but that isn't the question as with my response to Flamey about what the fire fighter drives. We're all where we're at by our own choice. You wanna jump in the fire and put it out ?? Go ahead.

Sure, most people would do what they can to help their fellow man, when you're not face to face, but even his neighbors didn't do a thing to help him. This says something about the mentality of the people of that town. What did they all know that we're missing.

My problem now is...... should you protect this man's burning house for the sake of helping, then what becomes of the people that have paid in ?? First of all, they'll all probably stop paying and then the tax payers will stop paying and the next thing you know.... you won't have police protection, fire, street lights, traffic lights, snow removal and so much more, because you want to give into the weakest link by ignoring the rules set up for EVERYONE.

You're all giving examples.... how 'bout this one ??​

The guy has a burning house and his barn 400' away catches fire from the dry hay inside and sparks. There's only yourself to put the fires out. No one's in the house, but there is a dog and two corralled horses trapped in the barn..... what do you do next ?? :covereyes:

Williams Signs

New Member
The fire sept showed up because the fire spread to their neighbors field. Their neighbors had paid the fee. The county where this took place does not have volunteer fire depts. The county has inked a deal where the city provides service for all the small towns in the county on a subscription service. This will not change anyone's mind about paying the fee. A few years back the same thing happened.