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Flexi 7.5 w/photoshop ?'s


New Member
Hello everyone, I am still learning alot about flexi. My Flexi documents say that photoshop 6.0 files are the highest version that will import into Flexi. Does anyone have experience with 7.0 or CS NOT working with Flexi? I am about to purchase photoshop, but dont want to go higher than 6.0 if this will cause conflicts.

Also, can anyone give advice on settings when using Flexi 7.5 with the Gerber Edge. My 4 color process prints dont look very good and I think color settings are the culprit.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I haven't tried PS any higher than version 6 with Flexi but if that's what they say then that's what it is. They may be referring, however, to being able to work on PS images directly in the Flexi workspace. None of that would prevent you from simply working in PS 7 or CS and saving the file to open in Flexi later.

The little bit of printing I've done to my Edge from Flexi, I found that I needed to boost my color sliders in Production Manager by about 10%. It more likely is related to which color profile you are using and what kind of film you're printing on. I did see some very looking output once I did that and bumped the LPI up into the 60 to 70 line range.


New Member
I am using Flexi 7.0 v2 and have just tried to open and import Photoshop 7.0 file. Flexi did in fact open and import the psd file however it is not workable from within Flexi. It acts like a jpg or bmp would from within Flexi.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
For most things that's true LV but it's very handy if you have your vectors all in place to be able to rasterize and apply a PS or Eye Candy effect and not have to worry about resizing or repositioning it.


New Member
i don't use Flexi, but use photoshop on a daily basis. what if you saved it as "photoshop 2.0"? isn't that PS' way of saving an image in a lower version? just a thought. also, will it accept any other file types? PS tiffs or similar?


Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Photoshop files are backwards compatible. I can open a PS CS file in my version 6 and just wouldn't get any part of it that was created by a feature not present in version 6.

That isn't the issue and you really can't appreciate it unless you have both Flexi and Photoshop and are planning of digitally printing and cutting the work. Flexi links to Photoshop allowing you to work on your Flexi artwork right in Flexi as if Photoshop was a part of it. I can, for example, type in some text, duplicate the vectors in place, rasterize the new vectors and then apply an Eye Candy inner bevel to it. It's a whole other creative dimension.

Spot Color

New Member
You are very right Fred. That's the way I use Flexi and PS often. Or I use to. On my new PC I bought PS 7 and while you can apply the filters, etc., they don't work correctly. I've fooled around with it for a while now. I've got the lastest and greatest of Flexi Pro but...

I sure didn't know about the PS 6 thing. I kinda wish I had stuck with the older version now.



New Member
We run PS 7 here along with Flexi 7.5, haven't had any problems, my only complaint is that I would like Flexi to be a little quicker about opening/processing image files in general. With Scanvec being so big about wide format printing, I would think that they could make Flexi a little more robust when it comes to handling larger image files.


New Member
No I am not using 7.5v5, I am using 7.5v3.

Fred..... you mentioned doing beveled letters, that is one of the main reasons for my desire to get PS.

Am I going to have to also purchase "eye candy" in order to achieve this?


New Member
There are TONS of free filters for PS out there not just stuck with eye candy. Do a search with google or any peer to peer network has tons of legit free filters, not just pirated stuff. Good luck.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
No you don't need Eye Candy in particular. It's just kind of generic these days for these types of effects.

I run PS 6 and have been very pleased with just what I can get out of the built in Layer Effects. There are also a ton of free Styles, Actions and other goodies at the Adobe website ... free to all. Great time savers and creativity starters. Only problem with them is that a lot of them only work in PS 7 or higher. It's worth the extra time it takes to sort them out.

Attached is a sign I'm printing while posting this that was totally setup in PS 6. The top line was given a PS Style Palette treatment reminiscent of jade. The Edge print came out gorgeous.


  • 12 x 28 magnetic2proof.jpg
    12 x 28 magnetic2proof.jpg
    196.8 KB · Views: 190
  • 10x28screen.jpg
    384.9 KB · Views: 198


New Member
That looks great Fred, I am wanting to do art similar to that.

Also , Thank you to others who responded.

Please respond to a post I am going to make regarding "the most desireable software/clipart to have ?"
