The future of the sign business
Good points Techman.
While I agree in part with your observation about open source software and "cheap" machines, but that day is still several years future in my opinion. Yes, there are those who give away their work, always have been, but that does not mean the true professional need do so. Those giving work away will find that they don't make much of a living and many fade into the sunset.
So, until then how do the rest of we professionals survive. By being smart, getting the tools we need to show off our professionalism and not backing down. We must show the public the difference between a professional shop and fly by night one. We must educate them to the difference between, for example, a wrap that is done by a professional and one done by an amateur.
Ask yourself, would you hire a friend to fix a pipe leak or a bonded, licensed plumber? Well, I suppose it depends on the leak! But why do plumbers and electricians have licenses and not sign writers? Because it never was an issue, demanded by the public. Well, perhaps it's time the professionals in our business united and set standards, set up "academies" for sign making and demanded levels of minimum education resulting in categories of certified sign writers such as apprentice, craftsman and Master, with licenses to practice. It's the only way we will limit the "cheapo" shop. Recently, this has been done with the wrap business, but the consumer doesn't yet know it's value. We've only got one side done.
I don't like much government intervention in business, but perhaps if local law demanded certification, bonding or licenses to practice the fly by nights would be minimized.
Education has been my passion for 25 years in this business. I am working even now to make the above happen to protect our business. But I need everyone's help.
We must all decide together that this is a way to separate the professional from the amateur.
This is just a long winded way of saying I recommend professional software and quality hardware, the tools of a professional.