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Flexi - jobs that have been deleted keep printing!!!


New Member
How are jobs completely deleted in Flexi? In testing the rip on an epson 9600 I have sent several jobs, and then aborted them before they printed, but they are still being sent to the printer. I have rebooted, cleared out the temp folder and the jobs folder. . . . . what is the deal?


New Member
fair enough, but they are no longer listed as jobs in the Production Manager. I cannot see the names of the files at all.
If you aborted the job, there may still be data in the printer's buffers. Clear out the data buffer on the printer, as well as the Production Manager queue, and you should be good to go.


New Member
We had a Epson GS6000 where I used to work, and restting it wouldn't always clear out the files, especially if we'd aborted one. IIRC, you have to go through the menu on screen and manually clear it out. I wish I could tell you specifically which steps, but I just remember that it was in the printer menu itself, not in the RIP. Hope that helps.


New Member
We had a similar problem with continually printing on our Mimaki after cancelling the job in the Flexi.

The quickest resolution I found was to take the machine off remote, abort the job in Flexi, then go to the machine, clear the data, and set the machine back to remote to confirm the job was deleted. Sometimes that would be enough, if not take it off remote and the clear the data until the job is gone.

Another way to confirm the data was cleared was trying to change the origin when the machine was on Local.


New Member
the job is in windows spooler. Clear it from there.
goto control panel/ printers faxes.. click on the default printer. It is ususally there.