J. thanks tried but the d is to short as well as other small issues. this is a real bit for this is a customer i have had for years but last Friday i lost 3 separate hard drives in the space of 14 hours and with that lost all computer file (most all some on dvd) so i have to re figure everything.. Oh well
That sucks. I used to back up everything on external hard drives in case the computer crashed. Then I started to think of what to do in the event a power surge, fire or theft causes a total loss of files. There are various forms of cloud storage out there but I tried Dropbox a few years ago and have been using it ever since. You can try out the basic plan with 2 gb allowed at
Dropbox Basic. I have it on all computers and my phone. Everything is synced on all devices. If I have to replace a computer or add additional computers I just install Dropbox and all the files I have saved to Dropbox are loaded onto the new computer. If I change a file on one computer it gets updated shortly on all devices with Dropbox. I use this for artwork, invoices, purchase orders, etc.
I currently use the Pro plan which is $10 / month but is worth the peace of mind.