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For all the iPad haters out there

AutoCad made a Mac Version... last version was around 1992. Exciting to see a Mac version... I may do the switch when it's time to upgrade.

Yah I was looking into pursuing CAD design but remembered that there wasn't a good offering for the mac... I did some googling and discovered that AutoDesk finally jumped on the wagon and are releasing a fully native mac version of AutoCAD... looks pretty sweet from what I've seen so far :)


Dan Antonelli

New Member
Love my iPad. Like Joe, running a web development firm we need to be aware of the limitations on these devices, however, as such, we've chosen primarily to advocate jquery where our tradition home page flash sequences would reside.

The primary reasons are - for one, you can't ignore the fact that there will be over 12 million iPads out there, and the 20 million iPhones in existence therefore - to design something those mobile users can't view seems short-sighted. But that factor aside; more importantly, there are SEO advantages of jquery based animation design. For us, that's the tipping point.

I use my iPad all the time. And my 24 month old uses it all the time to (along with my iPhone). That tells you that when a 2 year old can pick up a device, launch apps, flip through photos, watch videos - all with no instruction - that Apple really is on to something. I use it to read books, watch Netflix while I'm training on bike trainer, read the news on, and listen to my whole music library. I'm also writing portions of my book on there, as frequently I wake up at night with ideas I want to get down.

Yes, I'm a fanboy if you want to call me that. We run half dozen or so 27 and 24 inch iMacs here in my office. And in full disclosure, I own Apple stock as well. When the Verizon iPhone comes out in early 2011, there will be another huge wave of iPhone users, which again, will be more reasons to not design with Flash (in my opinion).
When the Verizon iPhone comes out in early 2011, there will be another huge wave of iPhone users, which again, will be more reasons to not design with Flash (in my opinion).

I will be one of those "New" users :) AT&T service is horrible where I am but Verizon is great and overall works best for me here... anxious for this day to arrive :)


Active Member
I will be one of those "New" users :) AT&T service is horrible where I am but Verizon is great and overall works best for me here... anxious for this day to arrive :)

My mom is too, which is why she is having to use the Droid now because that's the closest thing to the iPhone that Verizon has(or atleast that's what we think anyway).


New Member
I bought a Mac Plus way back in 1986 I think it was. I've been a die-hard fan ever since. I own Apple Stock along with multiple iPhones, iPods, iMacs, Mac Pros, and Macbooks and an Airport Extreme. I have an iPad and I even have the new version of the Apple TV hooked up to a 50" HDTV. Sosumi.


New Member
Apple has very good reasons for not including it on their phone/pad. I have heard it does not work so well on android phones. I don't use an Android so I cannot confirm


I have had my iphone for over a year now and not sure what the fuss is all about. I don't use my phone to browse the web anyway so i never have a problem with no flash on my phone

My main problem is not from browsing the web but if I happen across a website that uses Flash say for a menu or something I want to look at while on the run I am limited. I don't browse the web on mine much either but that little limit is sometimes a PITA.


The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Maybe Flash will improve but even the new Windows phone coming out soon will not have flash on it right away. Odd that even the computer giant like Microsoft cannot implement this.

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Apple must be doing something that concerns the industry, with the possible merger of Microsoft and Adobe, I'm guessing it's Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer who are getting kinda cozy right now... not that there is anything wrong with that...

My issue with Flash and the IPad is, give the consumer the option.. they could always turn it off, if you give them that capability.

Oh oh, MSAdobe Publisher and MSAdobe Paint to replace Indesign/Photoshop/Illustrator


Quit buggin' me
I wonder if on the list it is higher or lower than this piece of consumer electronics...

wayne k
guam usa


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mark in tx

New Member
I'm trying to decide between an iPad, and a Martin 12 string right now.

But I look forward to the day when I can use an iPad or an iPhone to tell Scotty to beam me up.

Joe Diaz

New Member
The fastest adoption of technology in a new product category ever.

For those PC fanbois who still think Apple is no good.....

.....check the scoreboard lately?

I don't think there are many PC "fanboys" that think Apple is "no good". It's not that people don't own Apples because they hate their products, they may think they are overrated, they may think they are overpriced, they may not like the over-exaggeration of the greatness one achieves by owning a Mac and the blatent snobbery of some of the more hardcore mac owners. It may all remind them of being in grade school, and the classic "my dad can beat up your dad" argument. But you won't hear many people saying they don't want an Apple, because it is "no good".

And you know what? The iPad is a cool device. But did you ever stop and think that the people that didn't run out and buy one, didn't do so because they don't see it being worthwhile to own. It just doesn't fit into their lives in a way that would justify spending money for it. Perhaps some are waiting for a new and improved version. Perhaps flash support. Perhaps something else... But their are many other reasons that don't include picking a team and watching a "scoreboard".

What I think is ironic is how some Apple fans have completely turned on Adobe, and I mean all of Adobe not just flash, the moment Steve Jobs writes some letter denouncing flash. Their opinions of flash and Adobe changed instantaneously after years of Adobe being Apples flagship design suite for the graphic design industry. I remember just last year reading someones argument about how using Photoshop on a mac was a much better experience than on a PC, and today it's "Adobe sucks". Back then the opinion that photoshop worked better on a Mac meant that apple made a better computer. NOW, if software doesn't work on your device as well as others then it isn't because of the quality of that device, like before, NOW it is because the software sucks.

It is a true testament to the power of Apples marketing strategy. They are more than just marketing, they are building a religion.