Hi Dear Pitzu and AlsEu,
I have followed all your guide, i still have getting sometime print failure.
I have notice that while printing the head is very sensitive, and the printing will stop if any soft tuch to the head.
I have enter the service mode and did the attached picture test and all test pass perfect.
And from the cycle carriage for 50 time never stop, and the head hard to stop ( not like printing mode any little tuch to the head the printing stops ) .
So is there any way to decrease the head sensitivity while printing ????
Mechanism, which stops the carriage (and everything else - motors, pumps etc.) when you block the carriage is a part of the security system - any obstacles for carriage or gantry movement may be dangerous for the machine or operator, that's why when you touch the security cover around the carriage or block the gantry, everything will stop. This is the design and you can't change it.
If you have the SDS key, try to do the following:
- first of all, locate, where the encoder readers of the carriage and gantry are installed - you'll see golden stripes on the gantry (this one is for carriage reader) and on the side of the table, near gantry rails. Readers are hidden on the back side of the carriage and between the gantry and table. They are small black boxes looking at the golden stripes. Each one has a LED diode, which should be on all the time. Usually, the colour of the light is green, but it may be orange or red depending on the situation.
- when you find the readers, try to use tests from service menu to cycle carriage and gantry for 10 passes and look carefully to the reader if the light colour is changing across the whole pass. If you have red anywhere, this means the distance between reader and stripe is too long and that may cause problems
It is also possible, that the Firewire cable between the mainboard and carriage is damaged and sometimes this is the reason of stupid and annoying behaviour. Unfortunately, you can only replace this cable, there is no way to repair it (it works and the very end of the Firewire protocol specification and any electronic noise, induction etc. may create errors).