Have used this plotter for many years in our small (run from home) sign making operation without any problem, and the odds seem to be catching up. After a few power outages (do not know if this relevant) this past Sunday, yesterday attempted to draw simple vectorized image, created in our SignLab 6 program, and it conked out with Error Message #14 "Pen lift axis unable to find its home possition due to mechanical/electrical failure." When called Gerber this morning was told the bad news that there is no longer any field service for this plotter, no parts, and no one to talk to that would know anything to assist or suggest a work-around. Shutting down and restarting still brings up error message and no ability to do anything. Using plotter controls without design software possible after pushing "escape" and getting "ready" message--but have to get back to using Signlab to cut the designs already created. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.